Frage von aimz:
I hope I'm in the right category.
Maybe yes, there are film students or people familiar with the topic are. Since I am 2 weeks into school and had me so slowly decide what times because I want to study, I would like to go some opinions relating to film / Directing study.
I always said I should study what happened to me s.meisten fun and although my mathematical / scientific disciplines are actually very good, I can not imagine that a professional engineer myself that much would be fun.
If we in the Friends of smaller movies and I get bit I always feel involved, that is what makes me really fun. In particular, the cutting, etc. .. Of course this is anything but professional, what goes on, but still makes me more fun than anything technical / mathematical.
I have already seen that there are courses relating to film there, but I'm skeptical about the career opportunities.
As you see it?
I would be more than a few opinions of people are looking to perhaps have made this way ...
Antwort von DWUA:

Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

At your place würd `ich` s try. Hab even three years "on safety studies," then to discover that the road does not lead to the goal that I really wanted to achieve.
It's the big question of whether you secure lucrative job without passion can give satisfaction.
But nevertheless is a Changeovers as mentioned by previous speakers in the industry rather the rule than the exception.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Try it in five years. Until then, you're practically hopeless. Read at the forum and in all times by There is really HUNDREDS s.Threads on the Study of Film, guidance, experience reports on candidates and many, many posts about film schools. I recommend you study some for a few years and do side work placements in the media. With 23, 24 you can do it try s.einer Film School. Small edge data: Apply it 50 to 100 people per study. And they are in doubt, always better, more mature and experienced (life experience). Common words: Nobody needs an unsuspecting, inexperienced school-leavers, the inconsequential films about love and growing up makes. Of course there are exceptions, sometimes under the adopted one in which only 21 or 22 is. Most are around mid 20 to late 20th
Not to forget: it's synonymous a damn good film to deliver applications. Beginners are as hopelessly lost. I tell you not that you should forget your dream. Keep it, you apply anyway. But take the rejection, learn for a few years, make even internships, gain experience, make movies and even then you apply again. If you have talent, you have in a few years, a great movie made of your ticket s.die Film School will be. There is only six correct film schools: Ludwigsburg, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin and Potsdam.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Well at least baccalaureate made. What for?
Could you now tell / ask ..... but that's not the basis of your inquiry or this thread.
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
So since there are 2 -3 things that I propose.
Go Army / Zivi make directly, and apply yourself in the meantime for a directly Ausbildungsjob - then do you then Fachbezogene study.
You could be a few weeks longer than you would and you are looking for an apprenticeship.
Go directly to a professional training mach BW / volunteer in retrospect and then possibly study.
You collect a little experience doing then 1 year "pause" and then go study.
Go directly studying office after years that all this is not your thing was, once again studying a new subject, and then Überqualiviziert working in the supermarket.
This probably the most common solution and you will not synonymous next, and when applying, you'll probably like many other synonymous rejected.
Now you can see there are very many ways, but somehow you knew that already before.
If your technique is na dann lerne have a professional and Metal Processing Study in the final .... yet you can later synonymous in the Camera / Set technique to work.
Can but synonymous in advertising to try your luck to find.
Also go abroad and internship experience can collect points which you would like to aspire.
But one must always have fun and a goal, everything else is nothing.
A little bit of courage, luck, perseverance and confidence in his own ideas (other SPINNEREI like to call it) that you should have synonymous.
Sorry I have more not a grad, I know just the beginning of the study s.etwas wanted and then have it synonymous through. And I never want to study I always wanted to be away and just do my thing. Each to his stop, but must s.Schluss eh just what is on the table to eat stehn. ;-)
B. DeKid
PS, A friend of me has made real mason BW and then graduated from high school .... then ... The architect has been studied directly with hand made and is now very happy.
Antwort von DWUA:

The question is, whether it
without a "job" his "passion"
"Satisfaction" will create.
Whether you personally on your way you have failed, is
completely uninteresting as long as you're not very spectacular
preisgibst autobiographical moments, of which others learn
Antwort von DWUA:

Above answer was to "mole" addressed,
sorry ...
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Aimz
How DWUA quite rightly said:
On the other hand, engineers are scarce. Nachrichtentechnik would be the discipline, close to your requirements.
although my mathematical / scientific disciplines are actually very good, I can not imagine that a professional engineer myself that much would be fun. It is solid but the "springboard" into all areas that interest you (maybe not exactly Directing). But in the post-production, broadcast and television technology.
From there, you come with a solid knowledge base, as DWUA said, synonymous as newcomers next.
If you interested in precisely this issue, mail me on my web page at ....
Antwort von klaas:

@ powermac: what film school in hamburg do you mean? Hamburg Media School? is private, right?
I currently do ne education in his great film producer / rental. right after my abi. am very happy, but definitely have more experience, because I have a few internships and projects to have the hump. study I will strive to be synonymous. synonymous directed me to study uncertain. würd ja synonymous like iwann times a reihenendhaus with auto hold, woman and child;) which can be invoked in other possibly safer realize ...
is very important in the vitamin-b sector, so mach Practicas etc.
gruß, klaas.