Frage von Husami:
I ask for your hints - would be very happy because I browsing the various forums to no longer looking through ...
I have been only moderately powerful laptop (Athlon XP 2000 +) and recently a good DVD recorder (SonyHX710).
Now I have burned to the DVD recorder and all the old Video8, Hi8 camcorder movies in the best possible quality on DVD or suboptimal.
How can I cut them now and Raw Film are dubbing primarily to DVD and capture Then again, without much quality loss? When I needed a better computer that you want me to be right, I'll probably buy me a new soon anyway. But I would be interested to know how the work at all - First, decode and encode again s.end? Can not save it to decode?? Questions, questions ...
I hope for your help ...
Danke schon mal
Antwort von hannes:

> Now I have burned to the DVD recorder and all the old Video8, Hi8 camcorder movies in the best possible quality on DVD or suboptimal.
That has certainly been fun, but it was exactly the wrong way.
The right has been repeatedly described here.
Time the "search effort"!
Antwort von Husami:
> Now I have burned to the DVD recorder and all the old Video8, Hi8 camcorder movies in the best possible quality on DVD or suboptimal.
That has certainly been fun, but it was exactly the wrong way.
The right has been repeatedly described here.
Time the "search effort"! Thanks for the hateful answer - but in the absence of TV card, etc. I would like nevertheless a "Quick Start", how can I dub DVDs ...
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Husami,
"The DVD is well suited to store videos in high quality and" among the people to bring ". As a starting point for DV editing are heavily compressed and nested picture-and sound data but little." (Adapted from
DVD nachbearbeiten möglich? Mit welchem Programm?)
Eine TV card wäre in diesem Fall synonymous nicht das Optimum. Lege Dir einen vernünftigen A/D-Wandler zu and digitalisiere die Video recordings in hoher Qualität als DV -AVI. Diese Daten lassen sich with einem beliebigen Videoschnittprogramm bearbeiten and danach mittels DVD-Authoringsoftware (manchmal synonymous with dem Videoschnittprogramm) in guter Qualität auf DVD burn. Gute and qualitativ hochwertige A/D-Wandler gibt es of
Canopus. Further information for this approach:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect and capture images
Antwort von Husami:

Thank you - I will probably not get around so to purchase a new PC - had indeed been just a bitchy Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo A, the new hardware with the latest (since the Service Pack 2) can handle poorly. In addition, the hard drive with 30 GB, of whom I've only got about 12 GB available for flexible, too small by far.
How much space it actually needs to be a Hi8 tape-at a time convenient to convert into an AVI and edit?
Wait a minute - maybe it does my notebook in conjunction with the Canopud ADVC-55 indeed synonymous. Are there experiences, how easy to install "" this device is? Has enclosed software?
Antwort von Markus:
Wait a minute - maybe it does my notebook in conjunction with the Canopus ADVC-55 indeed synonymous. Are there experiences, how easy to install "" this device is? Has enclosed software? Hello Husami,
Software / Drivers is / are not necessary because the device is connected via Firewire and easily recognized by the calculator. Only one capture tool, or a video editing software with capture function is needed to bring the recording to hard drive to.
Speaking of hard drive: Calculate with 13 GB storage space per hour videotape. Currently, a hard drive with 200 GB costs (~ 15 hours of digital video) about $ 100.