Frage von Akashanee:
Thank you for taking time to read my question anzusehn ^ ^
So if I make a DVD with my DVD recorder to create (nat. synonymous finalize), this s.PC with POWER DVD played. I can synonymous in the media player open.
Is there a possibility that PowerDVD files (eg: IFO, VOB) to reformat it in WINDOWS_MOVIE_MAKER edit or import them? So to wmv, mpeg, mpg, etc. implies?
PLEASE help me ^ ^
a woman in distress;-P
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Klar is das
In the simplest case when the DVD is only mpeg2 video / audio ranges often contains simple rename, you should then Vobdateien (DVD), you would like to edit, but previously summarized (Vobmerge: / mainmenu.php? menu = 6). If that does not work, Vobs with Dgindex ( capture and separated as a video / audio file (demux). Mpg video file to rename, then leave both files (Sound / Picture) in MM import.
What did you do before because actually, do you want from the material to create a DVD?