Frage von Meuterich:
I have the following problem:
When I go to P6.5 (Premiere 6.5), a Picture of 100x100 pixels into the cut -
windows throw, then pulls me to P6.5 to the full PAL frame size.
So 576x576 because the aspect ratio will be maintained. But
how can I teach the Picture P6.5 left at 100x100 pixels?
Thanks in advance
: - The search hatt no solution brought to light, the manual was synonymous
not helpful and the support of Adobe will not or can not be with me
my Premiere 6.5 help, I was awarded as the tip easy to update: |
Antwort von Jörg:

The manual was not synonymous helpful: | [/ i] The manual is actually very helpful, search>> Import of still images <<
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Meuterich:

No, unfortunately not. : Is | In the Manual to Premiere 6.5 that I see:
"Edit -> Preferences -> General and Stillimage"
Enable maintained [x] Seitenverhätniss "is that I have
Enable Clip -> Video options - get> aspect ratio "is actively
"Adjusting Clip -> Advanced Options -> Pixel Aspect Ratio to square pixels which is advised.
Despite all this, my big picture is still 100x100 pixels
automatically increased. But not only have increased squigly.
The distortion is not the problem, the problem is the size of
What is there wrong?
Greeting Meuterich
Antwort von Markus:

When I read your question, I was initially quite surprised. With me still images (no preference of size) in Adobe Premiere 6.5 is always the same size as the originals. - But then I remembered why:
My workflow looks like I still image editing in Photoshop before being imported into Premiere uswegen (poss. Interlace flicker). Here I place the appropriate picture always in a new image with 768 × 576 pixels and a transparent background. This way I can specify the location of synonymous like the picture on the television needs to adapt and Premiere nothing more.