Frage von charletto:
Hi, I am now a bit overwhelmed.
I had my HDV videos of the FX 1 simply as a material of the DV Cam and then recorded after capturing problems with Encore as a DVD output. Was previously with the top result satisfied (PP2)
So now I have PP CS4 and obviously wanted to create a new Project.
As HDV 1440 x 1080 created the HD material recorded and synonymous edit and cut. In between I had a problem that the PC aufhing - was a temperature problem and has been with a better fan fixed - And now the problem is: Which codec m Media Encoder, the best results achieved - in its DVD and not Blue ray?
I was told that I in any case, the HDV material aims to restore and then just to be runterkonvergieren Pal?
How do you mean, or can you help me?
Thank you very much
Antwort von frm:

I did it for the FX1 synonymous always done so that I have a HDV as Bakup had. There are two possibilities for the first HDV Project 1440 as MPG2 DVD PAL, etc., or you can export you make a normael PAL project and add to the material (right-click on frame size scale) or simply by hand small scale about 56%.
Antwort von charletto:

Hi Flo,
Thank you for deien answer. Do you have experience on any qualitative differences between the two Konvertiergsarten made the difference or is rather insignificant? Compared with the output of the camera as a DV material (all but rotated in HDV?)
Is not big issue for me, because next week I am the warrior JVC GY HD 110E - and I think that there already is a significant difference compared with the FX 1 is?
Antwort von frm:

The FX1 has the material very well downkonvertiert.
But I have myself no difference whether I recognized it as HDV or DV handle. HDV requires more computer power logically.