Frage von vonthile:
for a production I have Arabic subtitles in Premiere Pro 2.0-Project mount. The customer brought the scriptures as. Doc - File. After activation of the language support and recruitment of the necessary setups, I was able to open the file, edit and synonymous of right to left writing.
After copying the words in the title generator of Premiere Pro 2.0, however, all signs were swapped, the first appeared s.Ende and vice versa.
Because of the Alias | Wavefront Mayaing effects come Screenshots for logo Imports not in question.
Council Who knows?
Antwort von theorizee:

After the Arabs anyway of writing left to right, fits vielleixch
Antwort von Wiro:

the inversion of travel writing is done in the Premier Title Designer by kerning at a negative value moves.
Try out if this works in Arabic characters.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von naside-88:
After the Arabs anyway of writing left to right ... Since confuse you something: Arabic is written logically as synonymous as it is read later - of right to left.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von stef08:

Yes you must stop the Articles of letters as the rear to the front starting to write, so they then reversed again appear in the title generator.
Antwort von Kunterbund:

I guess times, you could solve it already, but if not:
Subtitles on the 'Blue Screen' stills, mt black frame in the lower area.
Antwort von saar:

have the problem synonymous, PP patch not found. Even as a rolling bild tried, but in PP as this alone is transparant logo and logo's you can not roll. Now then solved with the abfilmen of 50m with Arab text.montiert streak with keyframing. great feeling it is not become. Look like a Gondryfilm.
What is "negative kerning"? the roll goes in the right direction. But as mentioned above, everything is trhekegmu Arabic and you can not spell.
In the CS3 test version is not synonymous. Are there patches or other programs, the better? if someone desert ... good advice is very welcome,
grüsse saar