Frage von Kachelmann:
I have PPro for OSX at bay auction. Unfortunately I did not care in what language. I assumed that it is' standard 'English, but it was a German version, as now after the receipt has been found. Is basically no problem and is due to my Schussligkeit. But have a video tutorial that PPro in the English version and displays it makes me confused, in the English version to understand.
Question: Is there a language patch or a setting, with the version you can switch to English? An upgrade in English, I will now not even afford on top, that would be for the purpose oversized (synonymous of price).
Any ideas?
Antwort von Chezus:

No.. English remains English, German remains German
Yeah, I gegoogelt times when I am superior to the American version to order wg. the dollar
Antwort von Kachelmann:

That is a pity :-(
Antwort von Voltz:

The original version is 2 hours German tutorials on DVD.
Frag mal deinen seller why he has not supplied them.