Frage von jumapari:
Hello everybody!
I've increased my Premiere CS3, and I told simply shocked that this program does not Picture Stabilizer Effect owns. That I had as a normal condition.
Probably only remains for me the shift to a plug in, but the program of 2d3 - SteadyMove Pro is "still" not compatible with CS3.
What to do? Has anyone any advice?
Many greetings,
PS: After Effects to be such a thing since CS3 have. Is this a form that people who already have purchased first, the acquisition of more than ¬ 1,000, - expensive software to "talk"?
Antwort von wasy2:

What to do? Has anyone any advice?
A tripod use?
No major focal lengths used when you get out of hand filming?
Premiere Pro is a more or less (semi) professional editing program. In this segment, you need Image Stabilization usually no. Integration with After Effects, in turn other backgrounds, the more in the direction Steadycam - Simulation proceed.
Antwort von jumapari:

Thanks for the highly qualified answer :-)
I am a professional photographer ( and even a've seen Tripod ...
Premiere Pro 2.0 was quoted as Adobe plug-in even here. In CS3 there.
I'd like an answer to my question.
Many greetings,
Antwort von jumapari:

If I still can not allow remark: FinalCut Pro has so little and is probably not synonymous Beginners program.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
and I told simply shocked that this program does not Picture Stabilizer Effect has SteadyMove Is not it true or did you just not found in video effects?
You can however synonymous free Deshaker by FrameMaker Server, which calmed in X, Y-direction, rotation and zoom.
Antwort von wasy2:

@ jumapari
Now is not straight 2d3 exhilarating, more rushing.
If you have acute needs: A good stabilizer is Boris Continuum, which works very reliably in all dimensions. Continuum is available as a 15 days trial.
The Tripod saying get all the programs here to stability issues, since you have nothing to think. Here is the way many professionals who never shake, with no more than the ears :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Note The tripod is pretty stupid.
So for me wobble synonymous's rough - but only sometimes. Part intended as stylistic resources for Camera ne lively, sometimes because it is the time in the EB-use is not better. Since HDV is not a problem anymore. In Final Cut Pro and finished SmoothCam drauf. Sieht geil aus. SmoothCam I have so often used, which is echt krass, what rauskommt. I have with my editors already tried a lot of material and then we sat in front baff Calculator. For example, ne moderation with shoulder camera backwards through the mud and through the crowds of the Southside Festival. Thanks to HDV, it now looks like with a Steadicam. ;) Or, if the crane is once again proves too little or stiffness in the wind jittert, with everything SmoothCam Paletti. Really a feature that I no longer editing program want to miss. And HD, I would not miss synonymous. For SD it never saw so much great.
Antwort von jumapari:

@ bruno: is definitely no longer there.
@ all: The problem with Boris Cont. is that the plug-in will cost as much as Premiere. Then I'd rather do one on Blair Witch :-)
I think that Adobe wants to simply sell its output Suit. This Dynamic Link's story is so synonymous only if you buy everything together.
The call that integration ;-)
Schönes Wochenende!
Antwort von Joyo:

Then put it simply of P-Pro 2.0-P after being CS3 ...