Frage von Oliver_der_Ratlose:
I have a question and ask for help.
I plan on a stick Premiere Pro Motion film. Here I want to but the whole look a bit redundant. Therefore, I have used a transition, the next Picture einblendet slowly.
My question: How can I do if I insert 100 images simultaneously in all an automatic transition drüber basket, so I do not in any Picture einzelln to do?
If anyone knows how to do that, or someone has a better idea how to get a stick motion of liquid film makes, I would ask him to tell me.
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Oliver,
do you mean perhaps "Stop Motion Movie"? Would you like After Effects synonymous available? That was the easy touch.
Antwort von studio tre:

The "secret" is to hold the clips together with a chosen standard of Projektfenser glare from the time bar to send.
Guck Dich halt to something, it goes ...
Antwort von Oliver_der_Ratlose:

Thank you for the amazing answers.
Then I try, I should be in one week can not meld I vll again;)
Antwort von Jörg:
I should be in one week can not meld I vll again;) So we shorten the processing time of this complicated process:
In the project window is located in the upper right corner of a small triangle.
After pressing the triangle will be a rollout open-> Automatic in-sequence transform> raufklicken and in the following dialog the desired options.
Already working week is not saved .....
Antwort von Oliver_der_Ratlose:

Not bad, thanks.
Because I would have but certainly more than a week needed ...