Frage von stitch:
hallo zusammen.
need quick help
my project open since this morning no more. if I do it seems the normal Adobe Premiere loading, then the loading bar. Shortly before the loading bar is finished s.Ende arrived, the program simply (without error).
I understand the net. hab scho reinstalled premiere brings nothing but synonymous.
and now the amazing: hab my external disk with the project s.nem other computers connected and because it will open without problems ...
help me ... thank you very much
Antwort von effex:

Hello stitch!
try it with the times to create a new project with the same specifications. Then import the other Project. (not open)
There is then a folder in your project window - here are all the clips and sequences.
Before the open of the sequence, save the "new" sequence under a new name. Then go to your "problem-Timeline." Possibly. logs now UpdateTimemline window. Give it 2 minutes. It should work.
If you possibly with multiple open sequences work, close all other sequences, up to the main sequence. This saves resources in the open. At this point it is in memory sometimes a bit tight.
So - mostly klappt's
Effex, Volker Mölleken
Antwort von stitch:

danke habs grad tried but the problem with the experimental timeline into a new project to import premiere closes apprupt just like before.
soooooo a dirty
someone else has ne ideas?
Antwort von effex:

You can one of your older versions open?
Under certain circumstances it just before your crash, where a storage. The folder is usually in the same hierarchy as your project folder:
"Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-Save" folder
The last idea is still a lack of space or defective "Preview Files" This you could easily delete - Premier reconstruct them again.
Good luck!
Antwort von stitch:

've found the problem!
eig a file that was exported to be broken ... each project file, this file contained crashed ...
naja is Mülligen but have simply moved the file and if he seeks them, I link it with another file ...
thank you anyway s.dich