Frage von Razors:
Hello I have ne question and although I can when I do that with the shuttle function as synonymous So I can add that I look at the nacher I can kanns Although the shuttle button push around but how can I take what I've done so synonymous ?
please reply
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Antwort von razors:

So with the shuttle button so you can make at a slow clip the clip and then quickly return only I know how to record the net, the fast / slow do a postgraduate and of telling me to believe that the net will premiere pro but in after effects ...
Antwort von Wiro:

what are you doing with the shuttle is only a preview for a quick round and thought Herspulen.
Speed changes in the movie itself you have to do in the timeline. Right> Speed> Selecting a percentage. For dynamic changes in velocity (speed sogen.-ramps) is After Effects needed - or the rather expensive Premiere plug-ins Twixtor / Retimer.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von razors:

ok thanks after effects was pretty complicated right?
Antwort von mkrawietz:
ok thanks after effects was pretty complicated right? [joke mode on]
If we are to believe some people can learn this in one night
[joke mode off]
Antwort von Gast1:

Why "joke" mode? This is no joke. In a polar night you can easily learn.