Frage von sachsenjunge:
Hallo NG,
after I have some here now and be trimmed had no right solution for my problem was found, I turn now directly s.euch:
I have Pinnacle Studio 10.5.2 with a private video of the DV-camera editing menu synonymous with beautiful and so and so was quite pleased. After rendering and create the DVD arrived, however, the following problems:
1. I have two menus: the main menu with choice of main movie, chapter menu and slide show. The second menu, then with choice of each chapter. After the main movie was playing, back to the main menu should be cracked. This does not work, but it made the jump into the chapter menu. After playing the slide show works the whole, however. (Tested in PowerDVD and DVD Player)
2. The much bigger problem is following: I have two menus in all text boxes and graphics as menu items, which you choose are highlighted in yellow. When playing on the PC with PowerDVD still works in the DVD player, however, do not show up. The menu, which is in the upper third of the screen, only half are marked in the middle and complete the lower third is not more. The choice, however, is still possible. It is thus a representation error.
Now I have through the many forum entries already recognized that the majority of programs (so synonymous Pinnacle Studio) the MainConcept encoder used. So I had when I was trying times with NeroVision Express had to get back to the same result.
Now my question (s): How do these or similar problems? Can I use a different encoder may resolve these problems?
If yes, how do I get Pinnacle Studio to another encoder to use or what other software (eg DVDIt!) Is able to use external encoder and which are especially recommended?
I hope it can help someone with.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

The problem with the Menudarstellung (Staggered fields) I had ever synonymous. I have never look into, but the suspect is in a different scaling between video and overlay comes.