Frage von murks:Good day,
My After Effects 7.0 times zuspinnen says today.
The problem is a preview function is not anymore.
If I for example, a level of transparency change will go with the mouse pointer to a value of 100%. Then click on the 100% and moving the mouse left or right. The value changes to 50%. But I clicked oneself leave, I see no change in the composition window. Only when I let go I see the change. This applies to all recruitment opportunities. This depends synonymous nor the problem together, if I am with holding down the mouse button on the marker bin and by moving the timeline, I see no change in Kompfenster. Only when I let go again, I see the new Picture.
I hope it can be a help because it makes the work just is not fun.
MFG Pommbaer
Antwort von Uwe:
Click once in the time bar on the far left icon => "Live Update". Then again it's probably running like you want it ...
Antwort von murks:
That's it. Thank you very much.
MfG Pommbaer