Frage von Kudi78:
Go to:
Shooting an autograph signing of a U.S. rap star
and the subsequent party.
Is also available on DVD menu ... whether or not, is not exactly noted Prices with + without, if you are known, would be still interesting.
Filming would be quite normal to PAL-(mini) DV + cut and (after) processing (PP)
World-renowned sports brand
Question is:
- As the approximate price would be? -> Whether it rather "hourly" or "lump sum for the entire evening," settle it?
- Whether it might even (HDV? 35mm? For example, XL-1? Or Similar) CAM can recommend, especially in the dark (colored -> party) scene is a very good picture made. (for hire)
Our Cams / Equipment -> 2 x Panasonic AG-DVC30 + spots, Tripods, etc. (Manfrotto)
Software: Adobe Product
Apart of the cams moves our (product) quality of normal TV advertising to music videos as they are from RTL/PRO7/VIVA/MTV/etc. knows what the post and the DVD authoring is concerned.
I hope I could cover a lot in advance, if any questions, always so forth.
MFG Kudi
And thanks in advance
Antwort von MK:

Already advertising and music videos produced for major broadcasters do not know what to shoot for an autograph session can take?
It must have cost estimates for the other things which exist on the current requirements can adapt?
Antwort von Kudi78:

I give the text to be read thoroughly in advance, so that such misunderstandings do not occur.
we are working on the higher quality, not for this channel ...
Moreover, our main focus is not on record of any parties and autograph sessions, which is a big difference to the TV advertising represents.
I ask the subject seriously increase or completely
back, because it is a great opportunity for us.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Filming would ... ... to PAL-(mini) DV ... question is: if you ... maybe even a (HDV? 35mm? For example, XL-1, or similar) which can recommend CAM, particularly in dark (colored -> party) scene is a very good picture being made ... Is a wild combination ;-) What do you want with an HDV - or 35mm camera, when to SD PAL MiniDV be rotated? Lowlight-My recommendation when it's convenient to be: SonyPD170. Even better would be more like JVC DV5100 camcorder or SonyDSR570, but if her past with the DVC30 turns should put these cameras at a certain time schedule Exercise: Your handling of differs vastly smaller camcorders.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Kudi78:

danke erstmal für deine antwort
I was perhaps a little incomprehensible words
you would certainly pana in the dark scenes quickly goes down, therefore the question whether another cam is good ...... it does not pal, but simply a very good image provide
Down reckon you can still s.ende
gruß kudi
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) I ask the subject seriously increase or completely
back, because it is a great opportunity for us. Your request, I will not comply. From your text is clear that you have no idea. You throws terms like "XL-1", "35mm" and "HDV" confused. These terms have NOTHING to do with each other. What you need is called Digibeta (eg 970er) with good Wide Angleund I doubt that you can use it. For glossy stuff you need such a camera.
(...) Apart of the cams moves our (product) quality of normal TV advertising to music videos as they are from RTL/PRO7/VIVA/MTV/etc. knows what the post and the DVD authoring is concerned. (...) This is a good laugh. If your films at this level and of this quality, it ran on television synonymous. Apart from running on RTL and "PRO7" as you call it ( "ProSieben" is right) no music videos. Normal "TV advertising", I doubt synonymous. Who makes commercials and asks for a simple job for an EB team for an evening?
(...) Question is:
- As the approximate price would be? -> Whether it rather "hourly" or "lump sum for the entire evening," settle it? (...) There are several threads on this topic. You can ergooglen how to make a calculation based on and write an offer. Quite simple: wages + expenses + travel expenses. Hourly rate times hours times employees Kameraleihe + + consumables. Or half a per diem Staff + times above fixed costs. Then you will act posals costs, profit, etc., on. Understand that you like nobody ABC will declare a bid. It is a EB team for an evening and a little cut. Where is the problem?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

My advice
You should have 2 Canon XLH1 and good tripod and a Wide Angle Lens carry (borrow!).
It can be very good settings if this is required in the XLH1 models.
A camera on a tripod so we packed the crowd and the "around" sees.
One on the shoulder or worn by Henkel, and purely in the turmoil.
One Camera (Motion Camera), the Wide Angle lens fitting have.
You need any extra light or sound, you need to clarify what it is.
I say look at 2 a.m. to 3 p.m. people and 3 hours of work on site.
3 hours at home ... etc.
Starts one P.2 500 + Euro s.zu expected.
That would be fair.
Want to "Friendship" price, you can make to "! Perhaps!" 2000 in going down. But is actually too little.
But it depends how well the top of Powermac described, of very many factors.
I mean - you have to fly there, on the spot, perhaps on the night - what kind of effects it may be - ....
I am my own the word "Effects" costs already ;-)
Plane of times and then when you're done with the project reported times you - as you've realized it.
B. DeKid
Yes in HDV Cam with the record and to "DVD" as "PAL" output. Schaut gut aus.
If the Cam but not so "pro = big" must act, then I would be comforted to 3 Canon XH A1 draw back. Because remember all the good things are 3 ;-)
So you can in 3 ToP Quali perspectives cover.
Antwort von tillbaer:

Thanks s.BDeKid that you as the questioner's only an informed answer to you, without you have to make him funny. It would be a pity if visitors to this forum by irreverent tone and its own possibilities opportunities wrong!
And fortunately, this forum DSDSuperfilmer not synonymous and there is no comparable jury Chef!
Antwort von Pianist:
And fortunately, this forum DSDSuperfilmer not synonymous and there is no comparable jury Chef! But, I have someone clearly in mind ... :-)
(And the one who usually has quite a right to be synonymous if tone is not always optimal)
Antwort von camworks:
synonymous if his tone is not always optimal to be precise: never.
Antwort von raymaker:
Thanks s.BDeKid that you as the questioner's only an informed answer to you, without you have to make him funny. It would be a pity if visitors to this forum by irreverent tone and its own possibilities opportunities wrong! That has nothing to do with fun to do. I tell synonymous but no doctor how he should treat me ....
Antwort von Isekram:

It is here as in every forum, one is always playing on the wrong tones ...