Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Prices for Sony Returns European HD Cams known of rudi - 8 Jan 2007 16:09:00 Na where we already have in the flow are exactly the non-binding price recommendations for the new SonyHD camcorder hereingflattert.
HDV devices (mini-DV tapes) available s.February 2007
SonyHDR-HC5: 1199, - Euro
SonyHDR-HC7: 1499, - Euro
AVCHD devices (MiniDVD) available s.March 2007
SonyHDR-UX7: 1399, - Euro
And now comes:
SonyHDR-UX3: 999, - Euro (!!!)
This makes the HDR-UX3 the first HD camcorder under 1000 Euo list price. Congratulations s.Sony, usually leaves you the price break so the competition ...
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Congratulations s.Sony, usually leaves you the price break so the competition ... Hihi - Digital8 already forgotten? This has had the DV-bearing pretty shocked ...
Antwort von Jan:

The HC 7 is interesting, why 3 AVCHD DVD models s.Start be where you already UX 1 with no DVDs in a regular DVD player can play is a mystery to me.
Hopes Sonyauf fast Blue Ray DVD player sales?
The 5 is probably a slightly revised HC 3?