Frage von Benji Beutlin:Hello,
so, the film project is now completely finished and I have about 9 hours of material at home MiniDV tapes lying around.
As before in another question suggested, is the FireWire output of the camera, which I could use, unfortunately defective.
What can I do now, my tapes to play on?
Which cameras or music players are compatible with the ProHD format (720p/25), I with the JVC GY-HD100 was recorded and offer me the opportunity via FireWire or USB (there is a really, does it?) My calculator to feed.
I am pleased to have suggestions and tips on where in the Stuttgart I then such a device could borrow.
Or maybe one of you possesses an instrument that he picked up at me for a day would borrow.
Greetings from Benji
Antwort von Benji Beutlin:
Nobody has an answer?
Are all the cameras that can record ProHD synonymous among themselves capable of the play?