Frage von dietzemichi:
I have the following problem when authorn a DVD in DVD Studio Pro:
I have a level menu with highlights created in Photoshop, imported them into DSP4 and a menu with layers added. Then I created buttons and the highlights so that if one with the mouse button on the drive, the auto highlight for the selected key condition "is displayed. In the simulation everything works flawlessly, but when I click on "Finish" and click the geauthorte I want to play DVD, does this not so, as in the simulation work. What is my problem? Have I done something wrong or is it a bug of DVD Studio? I would be happy about every hint.
Antwort von Axel:

It is not a bug. "Mouseover" (the mouse, hover over the button to activate the "selected" state) to work reliably with the only other highlight method (ie not with the menu with levels).
The "normal" with subpicture method has several advantages:
1. Mouseover works (and more and more people look at the DVDs directly to Calculator).
2. The menu can be with music background, and the background can be a film.
3. The menu to go much faster and easier.
Neither the manual nor the training books I know it is but the preparation of this subpicture so easy to demonstrate how it actually is. The surfaces of all the buttons must be in Photoshop on a second plane, for example, "keys" means. These areas shall be black (the silhouettes of the buttons, fonts, etc.).
In DSP you give the menu below right inspector as overlay file "Menuhintergrund" and as an overlay layer "buttons" on. You put your keys on the black surfaces blots and immediately see a
default result. In order to choose the colors, the downfall of you, go over the keys inspector> Colors> Advanced> Grayscale. In addition, in the manual suggest the topic of "Anti-Alias | Wavefront Mayaing" after the other here is a bit long.
If the Menuhintergrund a movie, you importierst level instead of the "keys" a greyscale picture in PAL size, Nix White = Black = your keys, this Photoshop file you give it to "overlay file" to.
Antwort von dietzemichi:

Hi Axel,
because I must agree with you, the manual is rubbish in this case, it was even after repeated reading is not understandable. Thanks for your tip, I will immediately try it! Had previously only worked with Encore, as has everything a bit easier and smoother to work, but DVD Studio offers me more possibilities.
Thanks again for the quick reply, I try my luck.