Frage von ille:Hallöle,
I'm n da fat problem and hope you can help me before my favorite show starts * hope * Smile
Did the TT of CD software installed and when I start it says the following when I "BDA-APP run" "The filter graph could not be started!"
When I start BDAData comes: "Could` t build the graph "..
When I run the tool for testing times, he can not play the video synonymous when the hook on "Force Usage of InterVideo codec it is."
N Have codec problem, so probably I'll take, because the software works on the relatively nei installed my friend's notebook. : /
What can I do now? Have the latest DD-synonymous Software and the latest drivers, did everything I had on s.Codecs DEINSTALL-Programs removed and then the new TT SW draufgespieltm synonymous nil .. Please do not say that I have to reinstall, I've only recently, and I currently do not have time to do so.
Gruss Dennis
Have now reinstalled it and it went .. Now I have time the SLD codec package installed and then never gehts .. own errors as above. * sigh *
Must I now always travel with ancient codecs, just because I can not install anything more?
Antwort von steveb:
what is this a hardware (dd stick) Manufacturer, etc. please post.
What did you do for computers, Betreibsys. etc?
Antwort von ille:
Toshiba Notebook Amilo with 2,0 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, WinXPHome
SW from the original manufacture.
The program can look DVBViewer I, but only if I am in the video settings to "overlay mixer" and turn off for it, "VMR9 Video Mixing Render suppose.
Only original software will not do. It is called "TechnoTrend TT Media Center