Frage von Jake the rake:
Hi friends,
I now tinkerers around for hours and get no green branch.
Draufziehen button My problem: I can not (exchange levels coming out of my C4D composition, with holding the "ALT").
With a level created in After Effects, there are no problems ...
Whether I am a complex scene with several passes, or a simple test scene with only one plane rendere, it does not work.
Can someone enlighten me?
Bring the footage s.The same position and link it would no problem, but this was not thought safe, right?
Liebe Grüße ...
Edit: I weitergegoogelt of course, but am still not next. In
this Unfortunately he does not explain how he has done just that, but as he talks about it but it would have to proceed as I imagine it right?
Oh yes, I'm using C4D R11 and AE CS4.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Unfortunately, I do not understand exactly what do you share with.
But if you put the layers in C4D Subcategories separately, you can edit the synonymous separately in AU.
B. DeKid
PS: See the help C4D - Render Presets - Export to AE
Antwort von Jake the rake:

Hello, and Thanks! for the quick reply. The help I've already ransacked "and (all this; Exporteinst. Tags that read ..).
Simple example: I model one Television and attach the image surface at separately.
Export rendere / all and now have the plane in AE. This level, I would now like to just share with my footage (; as it did normally goes with levels s.schnellsten "ALT" and keep pressing drag'n'drop).
Unfortunately, I can see (then only the outline;) as a null object.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Try it once but with a null object which you assign your footage and then assigning the object of the zero level from C4D ...
B. DeKid
Perhaps because myllenium has ne idea
Antwort von Jake the rake:

One simply needs to raufziehen the opacity! The fact is reset to zero ...
Thanks to "Dr. Sassi" of the Cineversity I know now ...
B. Thanks again for the help!
Schönes WE!