Frage von katrin 990:
I have bought some time ago SonyDVD 203 E camcorder. Super Design, image quality, ... the whole top. But then I wanted to edit my videos on your PC. Play video on PC was (with Sony software quite) easy. But I can only play the videos with a DVD program (vlc), but not with Windows Media Player.
The next shock came when I had my videos with Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 (before that wanted to finish up other versions tried). I've now tried a lot, but whenever I try to open the video in Premiere is just: There was a problem ... send or not send problem?
Well, and then everything is gone!
And with Windows Movie Maker, I have indeed a picture but no sound.
Please help me next (I s.der border of despair!)
lg Katrin
PS: I write emails s.Sony & Co, but has received no help!
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Kathy,
the issue of DVD camcorder has already thrown open many a nachbearbeitungsfreudigen moviemakers. Use the search function time with the keyword "DVD camcorder. Pay particular attention to the contributions of Jan.
Antwort von Jan:

With the new MAGIX 2007? should the well be different if Rudi familiar.
The program, however, comes only in a few months.
If you do not fit with the MPEG and dangerous to "convert's you will be very stressful ...
According Sonysoll not edit it, and then up in VR mode in the camera.
Antwort von katrin 990:

Thank you,
have solved the problem.
lg Katrin
Antwort von jo62:

Hi Kathy,
you write, you have solved the problem.
I stand before the same problem - can you tell me your approach?
I do not remember next ...
Thank you
Antwort von Jan:

Probably one of the latest DVD & HDD camcorder software to buy, such as eg the current Magix or Pinnacle Studio 10, etc..
Antwort von jo62:

Request for HELP!
I bought myself the SonyDCR DVD 203 E - all super. Try now for some time around with a variety of movie-making programs - but I get the movies while on the PC, but not in the Programs! Magix 2005/2006 and have tried Pinnacle Studio 9, but I'm falling continuously.
Have seen in the forum a Katrin once had a similar problem, and then the last entry with "solved problem ended. That gives me hope - Who can help in simple terms?
Thank you!
Antwort von Markus:

Of two (threads) into one. ;-)
Antwort von Jan:

The old Magix is not synonymous, my Magix promoter has 3 h! s.seinem PC hung and s.end always have problems with (the picture some scenes were missing), or had sound digital) (dolby.
According to several magazines Pinnacle Studio 10 will and Magic 2006 / 2007 DVD camcorder be sure. Here in the forum gibts s.and once in crashes, but it should work. Save important data to DVD erstmal the hard drive and do not have direct access of DVD. Finalizieren the 8 cm DVD into the camera do not forget, unless it is one of RAM!
Antwort von jo62:

Uh-oh, then this means most new purchase! Danke erstmal But that gives me courage again that I may still not too stupid for the video cutting bin ..
My Sonyeigentlich more compatible with the Magix and the Pinnacle software? Gibts da experience? Among the manufacturers I can only find "everything goes supa!".
Thanks for the time being
Antwort von Jan:

Giant of Windows already get along Sonywird times) somewhat preferred (update that a neutral editing program better with Sony (I did not mean Vegas) than with Panasonic, I would not say.
The data from hard disks and SD DVD camcorders are the four Grand halt MPEG 2 / Sound Dolby Digital / AC 3 no preference whether Canon or Sony.
Look at the comparisons of preferred vs. Magix Studio 10 say this but I can not say as much, cut not one of my strengths.