Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hello,
I have a 60 GB AVI file of a DVD withdrawn. Now I want to it with Windows Media Encoder in an MBR (Multible bitrate File) format. I open it in WME, imagine the two Datensträme one that I want (ie 750k and 1500K codec and the Windows 9.0), adjust the settings for the audio input and then go to encode!
Now he says schonmal on the display screen where the video will normally be seen, the display image is not supported. Then he begins to s.das audio coding and when he finished, he brings the window that he was ready. Then I opened the file (after 30min. Encode) and it is only because the audio, no video. Why is that?
Thanks for the help!
Antwort von Markus:
... I have a 60 GB AVI file of a DVD withdrawn. Hi Michael,
which codec is the AVI-file basis? Can the Windows Media Encoder basically read this format?
And where do you get blank DVDs with this capacity come from? ;-)
Antwort von slashcam08:

Now I have Panasonic DV codec to spend on FlasKMPEG chosen, the file is now only about 12 GB, but I have now the following problem:
Unfortunately the picture seems to be blurred, if I have it in Windows Media Encoder encodes have done. The AVI is perhaps not soo sharp, but still better than the WMV file.
Is there an option in WME the movie with more focus to encode? Perhaps more than the plugins which I have already tried, but I am not come behind.
Thanks for the help,
Antwort von Gast 0815:

To be honest, I understand your approach is not quite so: You have a DVD player, walk them after Avi want this and then to encode wmv?
Why do not you walk the original DVD after Vobdateien mpeg-2 and process to wmv? As the first step, no quality loss occurs, then the result should be better yet.
Greetings from Marburg