Frage von LexGenesis:
Who knows this error?
Regardless wech audio file (*. wav, *. mp3, etc.) I use File> Import into Projkt hollow and then in the timeline of the composition and sit with Ctrl + drag the time marker or RAM preview will play, the following error.
All the audio settings, the PC shall be reviewed and functioning markellos. Only AE will not!
"After Effects error: There is a problem with the audio output has occurred. This format is not supported or can not be translated. Use the function 'Capabilities' to the supported format to be determined. (10 § 65)"
What am I doing wrong?
Antwort von camworks:

very likely too little ram in the computer. Fool needs vast amounts of memory kackt and sometimes even with 2gb ram yet, if one uses the ramvorschau.
Remedy: experiment with deputies to work or use "vorrendern" below for specific compositions, which are anyway not allowed to change to.
mp3 and no better use, it costs more memory and compute power as a wav.