Frage von strahl01:
I know Studio since version 7.0. The treatment with 12 + works fine (fast and accurate). Unfortunately, I have difficulty in creating the film. The Project will be rendered (the green bar is open until the end), then the program hangs s.immer but at the same frame, and so thoroughly that only the elimination of the PC helps. The Technical Support was no help (s.der It is not hardware or drivers s.veralteten because the PC to the latest technology is located.) I've heard that it is possibly because that transitions or titles are not individually fitted but have been copied. I have the time yet to come, all transitions and title rauszulöschen and then re-assembled.
Has anyone similar problems?
Antwort von kowi:

Short answer: NO!
But some details would have been necessary to help you.
1. To what kind of material is it?
2. What render settings you have chosen?
3. What "green bar" do you mean - in the preview monitor or on the timeline?
4. What is because s.besagtem frame?
Incidentally, if the title or transitions to be copied makes no problems. The work you can save.
Antwort von immanuelkant:

I had a similar problem s.einer times body with a series of cascading, the overlapping effects on video - and the overlay track. Did the combination of transitions and effects equalized then something - and then went ...
Antwort von strahl01:

Thanks for the info. Overlapping effects could be.
Regarding the questions:
1: Raw material is a separate film, imported of memory.
2: Here I have nothing set.
3: I believe in the timeline. In the preview monitor, I have never seen a green bar.
4: In the Frame said there is a transition.
Antwort von strahl01:

Kowi Hallo, hallo immanuelkant,
I have s.Wochenende the newly added transitions and synonymous all transitions examined as to whether there is perhaps a little too much of a good was (equalized).
In frame 121, s.dem the program to crash regularly, it was "Extra FX - Winter Dreams." I voted against the move to another computer - and lo and behold, the movie creation ran smoothly!
In a first test I have not burned directly, but only an image created. I hope that there is now synonymous with the burning problems running.
Antwort von JörgP:

have the same problem: When rendering to DVD when you write the image frame number specified: With me in this case always 20724th Until then, rendered and then conclude. Unfortunately, there are still a little movie ...
Exactly this point I have regarding corrupt files, transitions, etc. viewed and could not discover the extraordinary:
- No transition
- No gap (no frame skipped
- No Bearabeitung the files regarding Color etc.
- Not cut, neither in the soundtrack still in the video track
What now?
Am open and grateful for hints.
Antwort von Chinook:

Hello JörgP,
for me it is similar. In addition, I have red stripes on the preview monitor. Pinnacle Support Have you posted my problem. Should s.alten drivers are and I should be my ultimate version 11.0 update. Have I done everything. Success was zero. DVS `s can I still do not burn. If I do my film back onto HDV tape my HV 30 games, works fine. Try it synonymous with update times. Maybe you're so successful.
Antwort von strahl01:

Hello JörgP,
unfortunately, in my first reply, the Internet collapsed. So here's the 2nd Start:
I have Pinnacle 12 + s.acta made. My Kameara used this program since version 10 no longer, because it was very vulnerable. Based on his recommendation I Corel VideoStudio ProX2 increased and am thrilled. My tip: Forget Pinnacle and you create this program. You can get a trial version to download and try it first. Then I recommend you to purchase a box. The trouble-free run as the activate over the Internet.
Better an end with horror than a horror without end. In this case: An investment of 89 ¬ instead of gray hairs and stress in the futile time-intensive troubleshooting.