Frage von Seiko:
edit -> Please look below for the current problem .. the above mentioned, I have achieved so far as Good day all together,
I'm new to the forum and hope I did not immediately step in the wrong division posted: P My good mood of despair is tarnished and I hope you can send me as a little help.
Please excuse my amateur talk, but I'm not the best anything in this field.
So now relating to:
I did yesterday Dazzle Dvd Recorder (-> here + Products / Dazzle / Dazzle + Video + Archiving / Dazzle + DVD + Recorder.htm) fetched because I like a couple of videos with the Nintendo Wii on Youtube Upload wanted.
I am still me 3 Y RCA cable brought the signal from the Wii should stop splitting. Once on the television, so I can play and once on the PC to record.
Have the software installed, connected, etc pp and unfortunately get in the software program is only a black picture, but hear good quality sound. Nevertheless, I clicked Recording times ... but no preference as long as I RESTRICT the recording, he is always next .. 10 min .. 20 min. I must then stop the task is never synonymous and see a video store or while recording is no space utilized.
So I'm following possible sources of error through:
- I have reinstalled everything several times with different approaches
- Have the scart cable of the Wii directly s.den Dvd recorder to eliminate possible cable damage (although all are new)
- Have me new software of the Pinnacle Page downloaded, unfortunately with the same result
Unfortunately I do not know what I could do it .. pretty demotivated if other because apparently have no problems and I know next net. So hope you can help me because somehow. I would be grateful to you seeeehr ^ ^
Antwort von B.DeKid:

It works if you have the console directly s.den Picture PC-forwarding different?
Do you have a Scart to RCA is the switchable? (In / Out)
Is video sources at the Pinnacle codec listed?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Seiko:

Hi, thanks for your quick reply:
Do you whether I use the scart connection directly connected s.den Dazzle them? Yes, I have tested, but unfortunately the same result.
Yes I can choose 2 sources:
Once the Dazzle DVC 100 and Pinnacle File Capture .. but not even when the sound comes
Ne do not have the Shift: This is funny, I did stop at the signal split s.Fernsehen to play and simultaneously record s.Pc. I see the picture but not s.Tv s.Pc. Whether direkt.Habe with split or just my DVD player with cables connected s.den Dazzle and went there or because I saw the picture of player.Was Dvd has to makes a? Are not suitable for consoles? Or what can I do now? Maybe a little rumtricksen? but how? > _ <
Antwort von Seiko:

So I have now managed to receive a picture .. Unfortunately it is only on NTSC and PAL-N adjustment. As far as I know, both with 60 Hz gesendet.Habe now if only black and white picture. White one because what I can do?
Antwort von Seiko:

I come piece by piece the next XD black white problem lies with the signal out of the consoles .. they were switched to 60 hz, because the tv has problems so 0. can now, after I played the console was set to pal, pal games to see in color. the problem is now even with the ntsc games. the menu is displayed, but once I go into the ntsc game is in question .. and I can only display about the ntsc black white see .. The problem was I was already, since we had extra to buy an RGB cable. but I should but the Dazzle in 08 years or what something can do because the people who want to look ntsc movies? how it regulates this? Please help
Antwort von Seiko:

habs finally hinbekommen ^ ^ pal and ntsc games, I can record in color .. we must rumtricksen but it does and the result is good, thanks for the help
Antwort von flöhchen:
habs finally hinbekommen ^ ^ pal and ntsc games, I can record in color .. we must rumtricksen but it does and the result is good, thanks for the help Heeeeeeeeeey
Have the same problem only I of the xbox 360 which wants to include>. <
Black knows I have but I do not hold color: o
Can you help me or
tell your tricks xD
Antwort von Seiko:

jo clearly happy ^ ^ So I did stop the problem I only ntsc in black was white, as another signal to send ..
So I've done:
The first concerns you 2 Programs
Windows Movie Maker and AMCap
Start the Windows Movie Maker and make everything, so you see your Picture Studio .. Fang s.besten with nem Picture from the menu on Xbox .. there would have to include everything in its color and once the game starts ntsc, he switches in black and white Picture .. (if you see nothing: start new pc, program restart, etc.. are small signal error or so)
Start now with the black white Picture AMCap .. can also be that he ignored the mekkert .. simple. Then go to Options -> Video Capture Filter and select all of the video SECAM_B default values and click Ok.
And lo and behold, he shows aufeinmal Movie Maker in your Picture in Color at ^ ^
Hope it works for you, like me XD bescheid tell whether it went well ^ ^
Greeting Seiko
Antwort von flöhchen:

The picture I have in windows movie maker but I'm not clear with AMcap -.-
For me there is no option but? AMcap and then a program which makes photos and my web cam anmacht Oo
it may be synonymous I only S / W because I can take an S-Video cable to use?
Danke schon mal for the help:)
Antwort von flöhchen:

Okeh, I've achieved it now:)
Thanks again for your help without diesenhätte I never managed to thank you thank you thank you xD
MFG! :)