Frage von ef.multimedia:
we have s.Wochenende with a borrowed SonyZ1 and TDK DVM63HDP bands rotated. I just play the tapes with a FX7 a horror with us must find that shots continually falter and lots of dropouts occur. In order to avoid exactly the extra HDV tapes were used.
Incorporated with the Z1 was in 30p mode. What can be the cause? Would use it if I have the tape to a professional printing bring? At the FX7 can not actually lie, because they recognize that was recorded in 60i (30p) and the recordings are only 20 min.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

but should s.der but the FX7 is ....
if it is a European model should be with her only HDV 1080i (50i)
(and pal 4:3 / 16:9) playable ....
ie. the cam will be interpreted format.
gruß cj
Antwort von ef.multimedia:

If the tapes were completely dropouts synonymous which could I understand that it is s.der FX7. Since the error but only after about 20 min. occurs it must s.der Z1 or s.den bands are ...