Frage von MeelS:
Hello folks, I hope you are so nice, weiterzuhelfen a Premiere newcomer. Otherwise, I cut s.Avid, but as I was a cheap way for an HDV Project've searched, I ended up now with Premiere 1.5.1. I have two problems with it:
1. How to Make a subclip created? This is not on the menu. nor drag & drop. In Help and in the network, I simply can not find anything. Supposedly Premiere has improved the Subclippen yes.
2. I only play in DV, synonymous've created a DV project, still wants the program that I render the whole timeline, despite the fact nothing has changed.
Am very pleased with your help
Antwort von Mr Jo:

Hi Meel,
if it's just a question of rendering, then the solution is simple .. rendered only the working area of the timeline (Enter) - is the work area as large as the timeline set, it is synonymous in the whole timeline rendered .. So easy to make small work area .. the work area is about 4 mm wide line on the timeline with scheduled start and end points .. And just this area you just pull the size of the area to be rendered should be.
Greeting Mr Jo
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi, for Subclip: look in the manual for sequences.
render the message when read in Premiere will render your video, then the project settings do not agree with the material. Take control again the settings, if necessary, constituted a shot in here.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von MeelS:

Obviously true: I had the wrong project settings.
The subclips: I think synonymous sequence having nothing to do so. I'll probably have to divide myself into my original files and rearrange clips in the sequences. Then the bodies are some kind of subclips.