Frage von wernerF.:
Hello beginner needs help
How can we make the soundtrack varies according to?
When I runterregel with the sound effects will continue for the film, it is never stored, re-look at each of the clips everything is equally loud
Someone ne detailed description of how the sound of an mp3 of the song, I've added just after the half runterregle or can completely account for?
If I insert these keyframes, I can not synonymous, the downward drag the quieter it is, do not understand how I can do that now
Antwort von Jörg:

Beginners is a question of using a manual or online help of the very best choice.
Search term: establishment of keyframes
The property which you want to animate is available under the Levels of volume in the Effect Controls window
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Werner F:

Unfortunately, I can NOT insert keyframes on the soundtrack (mp3 song)
videoclip original sound when it all goes, so yes, I do nothing wrong
it happens nothing, settings are correct (Show Clip Volume) then CTRL + pen mark but it is simply no place keyframes, and I can not runterziehen the soundtrack that is softly synonymous
Antwort von steve:

This message has already decomposed ...
Antwort von Jörg:

You should generally not use mp3 files into Premiere.
Why do not you take your volume settings in the Effect Controls window? Specifically gehts doch nicht.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Werner F:

because it was not saved when I used the slider
would you stop me, I must say that the "LEVEL" button-only needs to activate (animation) activate
where is this a beginner to know :-(
Now klappts aufjedenfall
And why not MP3? it works like a charm, hold've almost only MP3 files and not take away as much space on hdd
Antwort von nico:
And why not MP3? Because Premiere (still) has his problems with this format.
Incidentally, the disk space argument draws on today's mainstream storage volume really no more, because it comes from a time when a calculator with 3 GB tot was already a bolide.