Frage von dehein2:
I have a problem with Vegas: sieht die komischen "streifen" auf den ersten blick. Es sind ja keine INterlace Streifen and sie sind wenn man den Film auf DVD brennt synonymous auf einem normalen Television zu sehen.
Hier noch kurz der Rendern als dialog:
zum Bild If I were with "Best" render looks a little better .. but what is it?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Markus:

Hmmm, on the calculator is not an MPEG2 decoder on it (can not see the video) ... So just a shot in the Blue: Could the video without deinterlacing scaled been?
See photos here:
Antwort von dehein2:

So the files are directly of my SONY AVCHD Cam .. in MTS format, because nothing else has been scaled ..
I had the problem on another Calculator synonymous. But I have never had a MPEG2 decoder installed .. but I do not need an encoder to create the video?
Antwort von Zizi:

sieht ja echt creepy from. Interestingly, they disappear so, once you're in the bathroom, although it is synonymous there are fast-moving edges.
How is it, if you specify instead of 25fps 50i (or does it not, the program does not know). The material is obviously recorded interlaced. These are not original interlaced strips, but artifacts that are only of interlaced material may come, in my opinion
Antwort von Marco:

You have probably the Picture in any processing step scales. And in your project settings is pretty sure Deinterlace Method to "None". This value must be set to "blend" or "Interpolate" are, if in doubt, better to "blend".
If throughout the processing chain will be shown in this video stripes disappear.
Antwort von Markus:
So the files are directly of my SONY AVCHD Cam ... Na dann ist doch alles klar: AVCHD is high, while the DVD only offers the standard resolution. Ergo, the video image is scaled and it is obvious artifacts.
Antwort von Tinobee:

So in the preview are the "strip" synonymous already .. what can I do because then on the other hand .. is certainly not so unusual show that it renders AVCHD as a DVD, right? :)
Antwort von Marco:
"what can I do because then on the other hand .." I have written above it.
Antwort von dehein2:

so, something was absent ^ ^
it is really to None:)
Thank you - I test render the same times.
Antwort von dehein2:

Ook, so these errors are huge wabrigen away:) Now I've got the hour interlace strips of movements (the small 1 line), consider how ichd s film because now directly from the PC to a monitor or HD TFT .. I see the stripes immern yet.
Using a DVD player, they should not be seen, right?
Antwort von Marco:

On a normal TV-tube device, the strip is not to be seen.
Antwort von dehein2:

ok, and on a TFT shall be the player deinterlacing plugin or filter oderso have?
Antwort von Marco:

Yes, that would be the simplest solution.
Antwort von dehein2:

Thank you