Frage von chrismich:
I created my project in a size of
1536 px x 1024 in Premiere Pro. (The size is because it is an animation from still images, which have exactly this size)
Now I have to
create them
both NTSC and PAL DVDs synonymous. How do I make s.geschicktesten this mean that nothing is distorted?
So probably the first to export as a movie (jew PAL and NTSC) and then each in PAL or NTSC reinladen Project and on DVD.
What do I need when exporting note or set (of about pixel aspect ratio)?
I hope for your help!
Antwort von Gast:

I'll go out like that there is a real animation with 25/23, is 96 frames per sec. Premiere not I know, but basically, regardless of THE SOFTWARE and this works:
Can convert directly to MPEG2 export (), this check off "keep aspect ratio". This then gives a black border (black bars) horizontally or vertically. If you made a wish to avoid the cropping you need the NTSC / PAL Picture of keyframes, which means to cut away the black bars adding to fully magnify the picture so it fills the frame. It is lost, however, part of the picture.
If it is just a compilation of digital photos you better any "dias schow take" program that requires fewer settings.
Antwort von chrismich:

So when the part is not simply to 'shall mean a compilation of digital photos. " It is a Clay animation with sound and effects.
25 fps.
The option 'keep aspect ratio' I have not unfortunately. I can only choose between 'square pixels', '4: 3, 16:9 and 2,21:1.
Taking it in Premiere, so are several ways to come to a DVD.