Frage von Black Devil:Hello,
I'm new here and therefore know not whether I am correct this thread.
But I hope that I can help here.
I have on my Fesplattenrecorder of the films I do on my PC.
Here, I use to convert ProjektX of. Vdr to mp2 and m2v.
Sorry but I get over 500 error messages and the film is either bunt and with sound, or s / w with Sound.
When recording after converting, I have 4 format that:
m2v and an additional file mp2 without content.
If I do the latter, he will film b / w and with sound.
What am I doing wrong or what settings in ProjectX, I must make.
Thank you
Black Devil
Antwort von gusche:
ProjektX really is not really user-friendly software. Noob So without much idea (which I would like to thank DV editing AUH count) looks as unlikely by.
What I can tell you:
The m2v is the video file, the ac3 audio file. The ac3 you can still wmv or whatever synonymous always convert if your program does not work.
Mp2 file I've never had with ProjektX