Frage von offroader:
Dear forum community,
need expert advice in matters of camera purchase.
Here again the requirements:
Production exclusively for the Internet
Filming Locations: Outdoor and Studio
Outodoor: motorsports racing scene and Interviews
Studio: Production of a species newscast
Achso the post production done with Adobe Premiere / After Effects. And probably not as likely to be important.
If something with professional demands, since the videos are not for YouTube and Co. are excluded. However, the cost should be kept in check, everything about 3,500.00 - 4,000.00 EUR is beyond the scope of possible financially.
I am pleased with answers.
The Offroader
Antwort von offroader:

Thank you for the many buy recommendations and tips.
Will or can help me here None? Was the question too stupid or too großkotzig?
The info I need is there for a reason and background. Do not want to buy some scrap and behind like a fool off.
It must still give me someone here can help, if not, sorry for the Blästigung!
Antwort von frm:

I have the SonyEX1 (cost 6500 EUR. Empfehlenswert synonymous for you about the Canon XHa1 approximately EUR 3500.
Antwort von offroader:

Na also, geht doch. The man synonymous but always must be so excited ...
That is not healthy ...
Thanks for the reply. Werd mich mal make clever ...
Antwort von avinth:

... well is synonymous of a discontinued model Sony, the FX-1.
Is HDV - DV-compatible and delivers brilliant images.
Is there already for ¬ 3,000.
Antwort von frm:

I'd synonymous nor a very good condition for sale for 1500 EUR. Simply register for more
Antwort von Daigoro:

Will or can help me here None? Was the question too stupid or too großkotzig? The same issue, there's already a hundred times - will eventually dull the same again and again to write.
(ie not only on the camera look at price, but Zubehoer same schedule or with Canon XH-A1 vs. FX1 Sony FX7 or vs. Manfrotto. Velbon or etc. etc. <- search - there's for days what to read)
Antwort von offroader:

Thanks for the replies.
Werd mich jetzt mal make clever.
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

schau Dich times for a JVC GY-HD110 to. The and I am very satisfied. Probably around 3,500, - cost.