Frage von arcata21:
I stand before the decision to purchase a camera. The stakes are predominantly in the event area. So the question is only to be recorded on tape. Important / request: can record in 16:9 format and progessive (interlaced material are then rendered on progessive but synonymous in the post). Maximum output PAL Resolution16: 9 at 1024x576px.
Which camera would you recommend? What do you think of the SonyHDR-Z1? Should indeed produce pure 16:9 Recording? How is the quality of recording in DV mode, compared with eg. SonyVX2100? Better / worse? In the light sensitivity does not occur to me necessarily, because with extra light can be gerabeitet.
I look forward to your feedback.
Antwort von arcata21:

I stand before the decision to purchase a camera. The stakes are predominantly in the event area. So the question is only to be recorded on tape. Important / request: can record in 16:9 format and progessive (interlaced material are then rendered on progessive but synonymous in the post). Maximum output PAL Resolution16: 9 at 1024x576px.
Which camera would you recommend? What do you think of the SonyHVR-Z1? Should indeed produce pure 16:9 Recording? How is the quality of recording in DV mode, compared with eg. SonyVX2100? Better / worse? In the light sensitivity does not occur to me necessarily, because with extra light can be gerabeitet.
Or how good is the new Panasonic HVX200 and DV mode (16:9 and output to tape?
I look forward to your feedback.
Antwort von PowerMac:

First of is your "progressive" in the "Post" synonymous only "deinterlace". Genuine "progressive" has some advantages such as the display on computers and a "look" not to "event area" fits. What would be really 1024x756? That does not exist. Even when compressed anamorphic, it is still 720x576.
So again: Why are you looking for an HDV or HD camera, if you are planning anyway output as PAL?
Why do you consider to buy an HD camera that can not include in HD? Forget the Kimbination HVX200 (HD only P2/HDD rather faint) and tape. DV25 is stored only on tape. Then you can just buy one SonyPD170 (brighter) or a JVC GY HD-5100 (better picture, liuhtstärker). The only advantage of the Z1 HDV camera is the ability to access good quality anamorphic PAL s.Schluss count down to. Or you take the HVX with hard drive recorder.
I do not know how your "event area looks like." You have but certainly no RTL light conditions on "Events". So you had got to the maximum of light camera, the SonyPD 170th Similarly good is the Panasonic DVX100.
Antwort von arcata21:

Hello PowerMac,
As I said, it was the wish "progressive record." The HVX200 should indeed be able (as is currently the only) in the low-cost area. Play the videos just s.PC. Here the standard PAL 16:9) format 1024x576px (square pixel format.
Can the SonyPD170 16:9?
Antwort von Subbi:
Why are you looking for an HDV or HD camera, if you are planning anyway output as PAL?
Why do you consider to buy an HD camera that can not include in HD? because HDV cameras have the latest technology. And what output media for the mass market for HD or HDV, there are still next to the radio? NO alone. There is only the "good old DVD" in PAL resolution.
Antwort von Markus:

Is that about reliability important? The rather argue against the consumer HDV format.
Learn More:
What I take tapes for HDV recording?
Antwort von arcata21:

Hi Mark,
Operational safety - do you mean the infamous "second loss" of HDV? No - No problem. Among the events is more of a 3 minutes Zusammmenfassung of 3 days.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, the Panasonic DVX 100, good with its 25 P function probably the best movies look - in the price range - once you compare the JVC GR PD 1 not with - with their low frame rate / longer exposure time, it creates clearly more motion blur - one is closer to one Movies do not come into effect the class. Incredibly, the DVX has 100 not understand at 16 / 9 letterbox only the cheap trick of all, with such a good action. The Optex 16:9 Anamorphic Adapter - 58 mm as synonymous DVX 100 - can provide a good 16 / 9 mode, at the expense of sensitivity to light / Durchzoombarkeit that is already good Wide Angled DVX 100, but even better and the depth is reduced.
The PD 170 does have a 16 / 9 mode, which is to my knowledge, however, synonymous electronical reclaimed using dense matrix algebra of some 16 / 9 can talk, not with her synonymous. The Wide Anglevergrössert hardly / not at all (It may be indeed a 170 Owner Report) - The Century 16 / 9 widescreen adapter in conjunction with the da Sonybringt Some s.WW and detail.
Arcata21 yes, even with the JVC GR PD 1 (a 1 / 3 "16 / 9 CCD's) is in the manual that they work with a higher Resolutionals 720x576 - 1280x659 mode in HI-RES. After long debate, and the help of Wolfgang - Video Meeting . Com, we concluded that is written but still only in Pal Resolutionauf's tape, although the PD 1, thanks to its MPEG 2 compression probably would be more capable. Wolfgang's estimate of the PD 1 material, but played much more than a simple one 720x576 .
Yes, the HVX 200 beats like a bomb, an even more universal Camera gabs probably not yet. A cam which currently rules almost everything except pure HDV ala Canon / JVC / Sony.
One camera is in the price range to create 11 different frame rates of 12-50 frames per second, plus 576 / 720 / 1080 mode, the compressed DVC Pro HD codec in which the intra-frame compression of each picture separately, reads pretty impressive.
Antwort von videotomi:
Yes, the HVX 200 beats like a bomb, an even more universal Camera gabs probably not yet. A cam which currently rules almost everything except pure HDV ala Canon / JVC / Sony.
One camera is in the price range to create 11 different frame rates of 12-50 frames per second, plus 576 / 720 / 1080 mode, the compressed DVC Pro HD codec in which the intra-frame compression of each picture separately, reads pretty impressive.
January Yes, in fact, is one of the most promising cameras, which are currently available. The only catch: the entrance of posters said recording tape and it fails only on the HVX200's at, because it draws the interesting side of SD format only on P2 cards or hard disks. In principle, I could imagine no better alternative synonymous (the import of the tapes already annoying me sooo long), but at the moment that represents a non-negligible cost (8 GB card for $ 1350 are unfortunately not wegzudisskutieren) and the workflow is so synonymous a completely different (in 720p just got a few minutes walk to the memory card - ensure you also need a laptop to the material, thus resulting in downtime for the recording, unless you have 2 cards and an assistant, in which the Meanwhile, etc done).
Then it goes next with the Post Pro - not every editing program is synonymous with the material clearly and in PAL land, we can hope for at the moment anyway only to the fact that Apple or Avid stoop to integrate 720 25/50p altogether. Among the other producers from what it looks like murky.
If one furthermore, the first experiences over the Cam as read, I would keep synonymous in the light of what has just written, this camera for your intended use rather than inappropriate. The Cam's really great pictures when it comes to cinema look - the examples given are already very impressive, but the sensitivity is predestined to the Sony's and the problems of workflow, this camera is not necessarily a run and gun tools. If his shoots can plan well in advance and you have enough time between takes on the P2 card's copy has, then the cam is certainly ideal, but for event photos??
Maybe if the P2 card and hard drive solutions are cheaper, but at the moment but everything is quite cumbersome and expensive to synonymous (if I record the memory basically thought was absolutely brilliant - no tape problems, no more capturing, just enter in the laptop, copy, and immediately start in Avid - better geht's not really.
On the other cams were already written enough. It seems as if you probably have to make compromises (notably with native 16:9 You will probably) get caught up in the Z1. The Z1 is really a great camera to be synonymous (halt HDV), but I still stay in the HVX (according to the NAB) and still waiting on a few more test reports. By the way: where is the Slashcam Test with the response to NTSC or PAL :-)?
Jan2 (not that it comes to misunderstandings ;-))
Antwort von wolfgang:

I would watch the JVC HD101 times:
- Recording of HDV1 on tape, in a 16:9
- Progressive Recording
- All professional settings are possible.
Avi Runterskalieren to SD widescreen PAL DV program may be made in only one editing, the camera supports, unfortunately not.
Some users have warned of problems with the optics, which I certainly on my tester did not have the time. It should be mentioned for completeness.
The HVX200 is much more expensive, might be used to HDV only P2 chips (or with Disk Expansion record on disk). On the tape only to material-DV records. And you count by the total time, and remember this is not synonymous must form a cut system, which can DVC PRO HD. Only that you will not be totally surprised pale.
Test for JVC HD101 here:
Antwort von camworks:
The HVX200 is much more expensive, might be used to HDV only P2 chips (or with Disk Expansion record on disk). The hvx200 does) not coded hdv (25MBit, but DVCPRO HD (100mbit coded).
Antwort von wolfgang:

Really? Had I not in the same paragraph of DVC PRO HD Posted? Beg your indulgence, your grace, that I am in the top set a "V" is too much reingerutscht ...
Antwort von camworks:

the sarcasm you can save you. Thank you.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Some users have warned of problems with the optics, which I certainly on my tester did not have the time. It should be mentioned for completeness. Again, these problems have you synonymous. Just maybe not noticed. Each of these has Lenses chromatic aberrations. This is s.Herstellungsprozess and can not be otherwise. This is synonymous to the split screen.
Antwort von arcata21:

Hello s.alle,
Once heartfelt thanks for all the info.
One question, I get yet: Does anyone have the IR part of the Panasonic HVX200 with Date. The Japanese developers do not have the part hinzugepackt for fun. Native 16:9 and progessive should get out there, yes. But how good is the quality in Comparison to a DVX except 100 (the DVX 100 is much brighter)?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Please try your search to himself
There are 1001 posts there.
It rustles, and the picture is slightly better than the DVX 100BE.
Antwort von wolfgang:
the sarcasm you can save you. Thank you. Likewise, as you can save more senseless messages when before the speech of DVC PRO HD was. I'll tell you so synonymous not want people to "tone" great writing.
Again, these problems have you synonymous. Just maybe not noticed. Each of these has Lenses chromatic aberrations. This is s.Herstellungsprozess and can not be otherwise. This is synonymous to the split screen. So I want to and can not rule out that I have not seen problems - my plasma, I had not then, the material I could only judge s.PC monitor. At that time in the test. Meanwhile, I have analyzed my test material from the PC via DVI s.Plasma - and see in my pictures until today a split screen, especial aberrations are not struck me as synonymous.
Indeed it may well be that I need new glasses - or that the photos were less likely to umd any aberration visible. Split screen of my knowledge, must not be recognizable on any device.
I have the will no longer pursue next - for me personally was the HD101 be too expensive, so by the way because I earn a few euros. Expects, therefore, for me, synonymous if I change the device is a good idea. For me ists halt FX1 become one - what fits in my economics bearable.
Antwort von camworks:
the sarcasm you can save you. Thank you.
Likewise, as you can save more senseless messages when before the speech of DVC PRO HD was. I'll tell you so synonymous not want people to "tone" great writing.
And if a message "rather meaningless" is, you decide? what a boundless arrogance. but this is indeed one of you from your usual forum.
Antwort von wolfgang:

No, I do not need to decide at all. It may indeed even a picture of each make of them, can read. Because in my posting was clear mention of DVC PRO HD. And at the word HD (V) was just a typo.
This makes content of a perfectly clear that neither of you is HDV1 still HDV2 of speech - for someone who wants to see it. People like you have obviously never been wrong stop, and therefore, like to throw the first stone.
Thus, and if you have a personal problem with me or with the video meeting, then are you so free to tell me clearly what you mean, my young friend. I just hope for you that you can prove that then synonymous very good - perhaps even the do you need later.
Antwort von Jan:

The fringing even more upfront in strong contrast black and white eg, perhaps little Wolfgang had filmed in the area, it does not even say upfront that always halos, they can devalue eg with stopping down. But here goes off pretty .....
Antwort von wolfgang:

It's true - my tests were more in the garden area, and a bit indoors under artificial light. You can stop short weekend s.einem not test every situation, which is anyway clear.
Where - some hard black / white edges I had during the shoot s.einer intersection. Grip without apparent problem areas.
But shortly before I go to the eye doctor once, powermac ...