Frage von schnege77:Hi All,
I have movies in 10 years with DV and would finally upgrade to HD era, but I'm torn.
I wish I liked the Panasonic HDC-TM350 buy, but I am unendschlossen whether I should wait for the successor model. Or I'm missing out on the 350 at a unique opportunity, since this is a limited version and the successor is not all the features, like the 350?
Can you help me here, do I know not what, I will strike, or even wait until the successor model comes out?
Antwort von RonBurgundy:
Hi Gunther,
I have chosen me to major internet search for the TM-350. I Got the 260'er Battery plus 16 GB memory card and Lowepro Clips 110 as starter-like accessories taken.
Cam, the price is 1,499 euros for known mail order companies, by chance, I had the cam then seen at Saturn and then get the offer for 1299 Euro.
So for 1299 euro diesr camcorder a blast. So - slam!
Antwort von pilskopf:
But the wide 45mm focal Anglemit is not really good. Or I've read me? So if that's true (in my opinion bad) would have guck mal after WW Converter.