Frage von TWichtel:
Hallo, mal 'ne question s.die professionals:
In Prem. Elements can be seen in the output in MPEG2 format, some settings - I think especially now the bitrate. At a minimum VBR 6000, and 8600 as target 9000 as the highest set I get no "optimum" quality, but only "sufficient" - should read: The Picture is mostly at fast movements washy and there are sometimes blocky.
The same material can I get with "Let's Edit 2.0" and the "ProCoderExpress" of Canopus much Tevez out. Since there's no blocks and other visual disturbances - halt "optimal" quality.
Is it possible that in the Prem. Elements of integrated MainConcept encoder is not as good as the works of Canopus?
I can not really believe. Has someone of the professionals among you as a similar experience?
I would like to ProCoderExpress in the Prem. Elements use, but that will not go ... ?
Thank you for your answers!
Antwort von Markus:

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Antwort von TWichtel:

Thank you, Mark, for the prompt reply. I will came to see how the integrated MainConcept encoder in Prem. El. 3 except the bit rate can modify gimmick.
Beautiful evening!
Antwort von TWichtel:

Hi Markus,
I've rumprobiert, but it's true toll is still not :-(
What's with the Premiere Elements 3.0 Plug-In from MainConcept of? Would this bring anything? At least there's probably because several options.
@ all: Has someone experience with that part? Would be nice if someone could say what ... :-)
Beautiful evening!
Antwort von Markus:
What's with the Premiere Elements 3.0 Plug-In from MainConcept of? I can say nothing, because I do not use themselves. But perhaps manifests itself so differently to anyone ...?!
Antwort von TWichtel:

Well, I've got me this plug-in must be concerned and say: All the Attention!
A real quality thrust! My previous test of the videos are really good quality. Fast movements are shown without blocks, the picture is clear and sharp - almost exactly what I'm used to from ProCoderExpres.
I can only recommend everyone to just under 60 ¬ (for download) or greater (before test) and this plug-in to obtain.
Here is the correct link: