Frage von steff517:
I'm looking for video lights and on the different types (halogen, neon, quartz ...) encountered. Many quartz lamps are dimmable and therefore my question: Quazlampe change a color temperature when dimming?
If so, just as strong as halogen lamps?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
Quazlampe change a color temperature when dimming?
If so, just as strong as halogen lamps? Yes, no.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Do you have mercury-vapor lamps? HMI lamps?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

You now talk of ...
or of
Headlamps (+ maybe Tripod or generators / battery packs to)
Because otherwise you can not really answer.
The real "color (temperature) of a light but remains constant when dimmed.
Antwort von steff517:

What I mean is something:
However, I do not understand what the color temperature with Tripod, accessories and battery pack to do. The light comes from light bulbs yet.
Antwort von scubavideo1:
What I mean is something:
However, I do not understand what the color temperature with Tripod, accessories and battery pack to do. The light comes from light bulbs yet. The views expressed in this auction "quartz lamps" are quite normal halogen bulbs. Halogen burners have a tungsten filament, which is of current flows through and is determined by its electrical resistance at very high temperatures heated. Tungsten melts at 3422 ° C (3695 Kelvin). The filament is usually at a maximum temperature of 3200 Kelvin operated. The body is made from pears hochtemperaturbeständigem quartz and contains small amounts s.Halogenverbindungen. When the tungsten filament "evaporated" is with a link to the halogens, which synonymous with much lower temperatures gaseous remains, but s.heissen back in tungsten filament and halogen splits. This will significantly extend the lifetime and the deposition of tungsten s.Lampenkörper prevented (but does this Rpinzip only if the bulbs is hot enough).
So now comes the reply to part with the reflectors and battery belts (and dimmer):
When a light bulb Dims, the temperature of the filament from. This means that the emitted spectrum is shifted toward the red color will be lower. This is basically for all types of light bulbs so.
Influence of reflectors on the color temperature Most lamp reflectors reflect the incident light independent of the wavelength. However, there is what synonymous to target certain units do
not reflect light. The best known example is 12V halogen spotlights, the proportion of the infrared (heat) does not reflect, but can escape to the rear.
Following the same principle, it is of course synonymous different wavelengths hide or selectively reinforce. This can affect the color.
Influence of the battery belt to the color temperature If one is prepared, a drastically shortened life of the filament in Purchase to take, one can find the temperature increase to 3400 Kelvin. The manufacturer of this special offer from pears, which are calculated according filaments. A trade name is known, for example, Osram HLX Xenophot.
The alternative is a halogen bulb with overvoltage operate.
So if a 12 V, 20W light head with a 14.4 V battery belt runs, the bulb is burning brighter and produces about as much light as a regular 30W halogen bulb. However, it then synonymous much shorter (we reckon with 50 operating hours).
Antwort von steff517:

Thanks for the great explanation!