Frage von christian24:
at Adobe, there is about 350 ¬ for the CS4 Production Premium - Student Edition ...
I've heard it enough already visiting a VHS course in computer / IT in order for the Student Edition activities.
These times I've two questions:
1. Is this synonymous only one course of an evening out, or the Course several days?
2. Is the Theme of the VHS course given or would, for example, a course on "Email" or "PC Basics" synonymous enough already?
Many greetings
Christian :-)
Antwort von Mylenium:

No, usually not. VHS with Academic has nothing to do. This only applies to certified professional training, which will be controlled and take synonymous. So one evening times the ass to a broad topic completely rootstocks sit and cheap AE dust is nich. If your course is not of a recognized Adobe expert will and / or your school, already part of Adobe's education program, the nix. See synonymous here:
https: / /
If in doubt, just ask and then stop 'ne other school to choose, if you so much software is s.der.
Antwort von christian24:

so now I have time to be confirmed directly with Adobe.
They write that it is possible a student license to get when a simple VHS Course demonstrates the kind of issue with the EDP / IT has to do (eg PC Basics) ...
Can anyone confirm which is perhaps synonymous such a course has occupied?
Christian :-)
Antwort von LightTrancefer:
"Participants s.Volkshochschulkursen (VHS) with areas of the course:" Information Technology "or" Vocational Education ". The course has already started and the participation certificate of the DVD may not be older than 2 months old."
Have to be synonymous but then look where you buy it.
I got them to me at fetched - School hingeschickt confirmation and after 4 days I had it - so UNIMALL is worth a visit.