Frage von Bawire: If I understand correctly that the information was once a chip in the battery there and it must communicate this again with the firmware of your camcorder? I got myself one at Ebay for the replica Battery SonyNP-FP70. For this battery were to provide the following models: DCR-HC16, DCR-HC17, DCR-HC18, DCR-HC19, DCR-HC20, DCR-HC30, DCR-HC40, DCR-HC40E, DCR-HC65, DCR-HC85, DCR - DVD203, DCR-DVD403. The data come from the auction, the battery itself can be seen here:
Antwort von Crespo:
Since I would be interested synonymous times a considered response. Would be obvious already that Sonyimmer something changes, so do not come after the Billigakkus so quickly.
Does anyone know details?
Antwort von Bawire:
Have the battery is now removed from the blister pack and used. Conclusion: the battery does not work with the DCR-HC94, which he can be with a camcorder that was produced before September 95 but works fine with my camcorder (produced Feb/96) `s not.
If someone is interested Battery s.dem he can have him for ¬ 5 ¬ plus UK 2.44. Just write e ne s.mich. Can it do anything else more.
Antwort von Jan:
Yes Sonyhat da wieder was rotated,
I trade at the moment, all companies with the new battery SonyMiniDv even worse with digicam SonyT 9 - Battery FT 1 - synonymous exact minute remaining display - nearly every customer comes back, it does not work, despite information chip, pretty much no preference which contractor - and I have 5!
Coal probably scoop up ....
Antwort von Markus:
Hello Jan,
this is a very interesting info, I will soon need a new battery again synonymous. So it will be another Sonywerden ...