Frage von ????florian????:
I use
MAGIX Video deluxe SE only since yesterday, before I have my
Movies with
Movie Maker Mindows cut together.
WMM can be done in the volume of video / music regularly.
(Eg if the noise in the video were too loud and I have little of the music could hear, I have just the volume focus more on music not the noise of film made) Yesterday I used the whole evening spent in a similar function MVdSE learn, but vergebloß ...
I would be
very pleased if someone could explain to me what I need.
Yours sincerely,
FLORIAN PS. if someone does not understand my question, he should write it and I try to express prezieser yet.
Antwort von !!!ForumUser!!!:

The issue is not serious. The problem I had not yet synonymous. Perhaps it does so only because otherwise, or so: - /
MHM's ma but your question on Since users are only aware of the Magix determined as better than here.
Antwort von ????florian????:

Ah ok now knows how to do this Thank you!