Frage von fabriquez:
we sometimes dissatisfied with Adobe Premiere are (again picture error occurred while exporting, thus you have to go through everything exactly), we also use a different editing system. Today I received my demo version of Edius - now I have a few questions:
1. Can we take a DV signal via Firewire? I have already searched the instructions, there is no Firewire is offered. In Premiere, no problem. Seems as if I've only Composite/S- video of Choice.
2. Effect settings, where I find them? When I edit a video and would like keyen one effect, I do not need a timeline for that. But I find none. Only transitions bring me anything.
Das wars erstmal, I now fight next in parallel with the manual.
Antwort von matthew:

've been a long time synonymous premiere of switched Edius pro on a - different, fantastic!
real-time preview in almost all were (except xplode effects), am very very excited about it.
In addition, it is very stable, and can work beautifully with hd material.
But now ask for your:
Can 1.) dv can record, of course .. the average ticket (if any) do you use?
Effect settings will 2.) as we are synonymous with the premiere lived in keyframes unfortunately are not un Edius supports, but is synonymous with the coming versions will finally be possible!
(occasionally there are video filter effects, is possible in their preferences directly effect the keyen.)
gruß matthew
Antwort von WeiZen:

1) Player window>>> above the picture of the drop down arrow>>> select OHCI Input
Button 2) H the Effect window, marker and info window displays a window
Uh the with the timeline is a joke right?
Antwort von fabriquez:

@ matthew:
Thank you for your remarks - I have a DV Storm card had forgotten, then connect the cam via IEEE,'ve always gone over the PC firewire port.
@ Wheat:
Thanks, I'm going to test, but why is that with the timeline is to be a joke? I think it's modest, which I can create such a program with no automation (except opacity, etc.) is really thin.
Antwort von WeiZen:
2. Effect settings, where I find them? When I edit a video and would like keyen one effect, I do not need a timeline for that. But I find none. Only transitions bring me anything.
I do not understand your question regarding timeline.
Or do you mean with the timeline settings for the Keyen the Effects?
The latter does not ever happen, unfortunately. If only in the 4th version
Would look like in 2D or 3D PiP PiP.
But hold not to filter. Did you this?
Under Timeline, I understand something else, namely, where are the clips.
Antwort von fabriquez:

@ Wheat:
Yes I have expressed myself wrong, the effects on Premiere indeed lie on one's own "timeline", where you can then insert the key. How would you call this then? Effect lane ... no preference, it still does not stop funtkioniert, when should it come the next update of Edius?
Antwort von matthew:

When should I get the next update of Edius? it has only this month, the update given to 3.5er .... now takes a little yet to be determined ..
Antwort von WeiZen:
@ Wheat:
Yes I have expressed myself wrong, the effects on Premiere indeed lie on one's own "timeline", where you can then insert the key. How would you call this then? Effect lane ... no preference, it still does not stop funtkioniert, when should it come the next update of Edius? macht ja nix. It envisages spring 2006.