Frage von tommyfuny:RED zum Bild Story:
Eingesperrt of ihrer bösen Stiefmutter vegetiert ein kleines Mädchen in einem dunklen feuchten Kellerraum vor sich her... Eines Tages bekommt sie die Aufgabe ihre Großmutter ein
Korb Leckerein zu bringen, aber darf nicht vom Weg abkommen. Doch als sie durch einen Unfall auf ein anderes Mädchen trifft, bricht ihr ganzer Hass der sich aufgestaut hat aus and es beginnt ein grausames Spiel um Leben and Tod!
Antwort von Axel:
Seems to get the bridge film competition. Another started a mass production and proves that the low point is not yet explored.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
What fürn absolutely unattractive crap! Yuck!
Antwort von Shiranai:
Why are the films actually always "... The Movie"?
Is there still a comic version löl?
Antwort von Zizi:
hihihihi .. full hardness ...
Uwe Boll Greetings!
Antwort von ksr:
The poster is very good! Impressive!
The rest is meaningless in a senseless violence (not really existing) story - unfortunately, there's already enough ...
Antwort von Zizi:
The poster is very good! Impressive!
The rest is senseless violence in a nonsense (actually not really available) story - unfortunately, there's already enough ... Am I the same opinion .. although still in the billboard structure is missing.
At least the film is ever better than Uwe Boll Farcry just because I have seen half-finished so the film is shit!
When your economy, I at least 3 / 4 ;-)!
Antwort von Exeips:
[comment was pointless because of content removed]
... what can we say?
Antwort von KrischanDO:
Well, better than that "on the streets and innocent rumlungern reality on your nerves.
But would not billiards, football or an alternative model?
Seriously: a crowbar with the rod bent in the direction of horror as Little Red Riding Hood-Verwurstung reason, sometimes a little theater with blood zumzusauen - this is no reference for ingenuity. And this white mask is so abgenudelt as the fire-and smoke-Effect silly.
If you seriously believe that a kind of new, interesting, exciting or somehow Featured story to have, you should seek professional help.
Antwort von Jörg:
But would not billiards,
CS You believe but not seriously, that someone who fabricates sowas, can play billiards? Not even the pool ...
Antwort von KrischanDO:
You believe but not seriously, that someone who fabricates sowas, can play billiards? Not even the pool ... Okay, you're right. I just thought: Way of the Camera and off of the road ...
I sometimes watch billiards on television and am full of respect.