Frage von kev_kev:
Hallo Leutz
I have a problem with my windows movie maker.
I have a video tailored to me because the noise in the background is not gefllen I wanted a new audio file to add the video I have the audo file normally imported to the bar and audio / music drawn.
Now the problem ...
I have the whole video no sound.
The sound is s.and the volume is synonymous to loud but nothing will work ...
I hope you can help me next
Antwort von Markus:

Audio File: A file that any audio content in any compression format with any sampling rate with number of channels can include?
Can you specify the times? ;-)
Antwort von petron:

Yes like to ...
This audio file is the song the perfect wave of July
I have the song in mp3 format added.
Antwort von Markus:

MP3 makes video editing programs are often problems. Wandle times the audio file to WAV (48 kHz, 16 bit, stereo) and try it.
Antwort von loren:

I have a problem ... I have with the Windows Movie Maker, so to speak, a presentation made with pictures and transitions.
Everything has worked and because I wanted it on the DVD player can play and it's not .... I could very well use your help! =)
liebe Grüße
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

You have no security with standards-compliant video DVD, but a file (on which type you have betrayed us nothing) just burned to a DVD. Now the player, which is not particularly surprising, this file is not read.
What standalone player usually (except, of course, standard-compliant Video-DVDs) can read, is DivX.
Suggestion: You created with the Movie Maker a file in DV-AVI (PAL) - format. This allows you AVI with Nero Vision Express (with happiness lies in your burner) to a DVD-Video format.
Or you take the freeware SUPER try and from what you have until now served a DivX file to conjure. Since you have previously installed the DivX bundle, if you have not already searched.
With a little luck, "eats" your standalone synonymous sowas. Try it with a DVD-RW, or failures cost too much money ...
BG, Andreas