Frage von Flob:
I have a little bit through the thread gewühlt, but found nothing really helpful.
Which PC in a price range up to 800 euro is very well suited for DV editing?
Dignity with Premiere on it and only with PAL footage to work.
About Help freu ich mich sehr!
Antwort von Daigoro:

Either the manufacturer of the software with a list of certified systems, or NEN FertigPC to buy makes little sense.
99.9% of which are for the ton - more than from centspargruenden built from reason.
If it's really nothing to be selbstgebasteltes - Dell Inspiron 530 with the Core 2 Duo 8400 and the bigger hard drive (640 or 750).
Without frills and with Vista Home Premium to about 630, -.