Frage von RFCT:
There is a new software that is incredibly easy to use and pictures from DV Movie Similar images makes. Color and unique - will add depth blur effect.
Real Feel Cinema Tool (abbreviated RCFT) is new and still an absolute insider tip.
RCFT has zahlose preferences, the movies look like movies. Color can be approximated. Glow, Lensflare, contrast, color and much more are synonymous manual adjustable.
In addition, the DOF revolutionary engine that analyzes the picture and the film gives a depth blur, as in Digital Video without 35mm adapter would not be possible. In addition, you can set filters which will be simulated. 20mm to 180mm Focal Focal are possible.
The best program and a must for all ambitious film-makers, of Amateuer to professional - Real Feel Cinema Tool
nor as freeware!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

After clicking on the links you'll come to a Page with Japanese or Chinese characters.
Perhaps some day someone's translate.
Antwort von Naturbambus:

no spam!
I see the Page grad is just down!
Well too many clicks in the last few days
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Clearly spam.
Is the thing now RCFT? Why is the link then click RFCT?
No useful Google hits, neither for nor RCFT Real Feel Cinema Tool.
No matter what you enter, you see the following:
Antwort von camworks:
After clicking on the links you'll come to a Page with Japanese or Chinese characters.
Perhaps some day someone's translate. here the translation: 3A% 2F% 2Frfct & langpair = yes% 7Cen & hl = en & ie = UTF8
@ nifty
The page is not found.
There is a possibility the page where you search which was deleted and can not utilize, or presently.
Please verify once more whether address by mistake is not. (Input mistake and the like of capital letters small letters)
Antwort von robbie:
There is a new software that is incredibly easy to use and pictures from DV Movie Similar images makes.
* * husthust
Antwort von Naturbambus:

Can I get the program!?
My buddies and I urgently need the grad!
Antwort von tfp:

I suppose s.irgendwelche Hollywood producer and the cartel of professional equipment manufacturers have, in conjunction with the Society of zucchini growers this program disappear, to borrow not able to give as simple and cheap to produce quality cinema.
The Hollywood producers in order to have fewer competitors (with the whole market would Hobbyfilmern overflowing -> would the Prices for a visit to the cinema as well as for DVDs fall)
Professional equipment manufacturers because otherwise None more expensive cameras, Tripods and lights would need everything you can with shaky, poorly lit DV production.
Why the Association of zucchini growers involved, I do not synonymous.
Antwort von Axel:
Why the Association of zucchini growers involved, I do not synonymous. GM Super zucchinis from overseas, the club will change the industry. RFCT incidentally provides synonymous for cinema-like movie acts. It motzt holiday movies Action stripes. Our entire forum will be so cozy obsolete. Actually a pity.
Antwort von camworks:

yes is it summer already?
jo mei
Antwort von oschwin:

Can anyone send the program!?
exactly as I have something long sought!
and the verfickte Filmundustrie wants to deprive us!
Antwort von Bert:

I want the synonymous! Where are DemoVids?
Antwort von C.I.W:

If one already has the program can get it but upload. Then what everyone has them. Or we will send it to us via e-mail each other. I need the necessarily synonymous. (c.wolfinger @
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Oh dear ... this will probably be a thread like DVDlab with the Manual in German ...
Antwort von C.I.W:

Has anyone already downloaded? If the person so it would be net s.die need to send? :-)
Antwort von BastianB:

I've been the Proggie weeks! I'm totally excited! Unfortunately you can not buy it yet, the page is down? Have only the demo. Supposedly there are synonymous as the beta version - without the red bar scheiss.
Have you uploaded times what it can. Should remain a secret tip, but now everyone knows so eh ...
In the future, any film look extremely horny imitate. Where is art?
In any case - this is with a preset (!) Has been made.
One of the 5 summer looks.
Hab ne camera movement made by the male. The background was blurred.
Settings: 55mm focal. F1, 9. ISO100, Summer Look
You can choose synonymous, that the male is blurred and the background remains sharp. But since there are sometimes problems in the original because I have the male had sharp.
Rendering lasts for 10 seconds DV for about 5 hours on my 3.0 GHz computer
Antwort von C.I.W:
Rendering lasts for 10 seconds DV for about 5 hours on my 3.0 GHz computer You're probably Jokes? That can not be. Make sure I do prefer when turning on the depth blur.
PS: Can you look at the demo version on upload?
Antwort von BastianB:

How do I download the high?
Perhaps what I have done wrong?
But I can safely say the thing works Megageil deep unschärfe and colors!
It even has noise.
And I did with my SonyTRV-30 rotated, which is very rauschanfällig - and too much tiefenschärfe has, for my taste.
I can even do portrait shots, where the eyes are a sharp nose blurred!
Antwort von C.I.W:

Send it please send me mail. I invite it high.
c.wolfinger @
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

So slowly begins to synonymous me interested until I thought s.irgendeinen scrap, or spam, but what is happening because nu? An upload of the file would be very nice - to help (if you do not know where you could upload something):
Thank you!
Antwort von DWUA:

Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
... Unfortunately you can not buy it yet ... ... and if so, then it cost thirty thousand euro's thick milk. ^ ^
Antwort von Madame Pirou:
... Unfortunately you can not buy it yet ...
... and if so, then it cost thirty thousand euro's thick milk. ^ ^ So the beta gibbet already! and it was free as it was then icarus.
I render times are shorter synonymous. 30 seconds MiniDV RFCT has done in 4 hours. and I have only a duo processor with 2.3 GHz
guess this will be sold. you retrieve it before it will charge!
exactly like this:
Antwort von Viejo:

The Page is unfortunately not.
4 hours for 30 seconds is quite a lot.
How long does it take for HD?
Can I receive the synonymous someone?
Antwort von Axel:
4 hours for 30 seconds is quite a lot. Compared with what? With the effort, before and during a 30 seconds recording was operated?
Illumination? - Makes my Cam, has signal amplification.
Style? - Mach I in the post.
Sound? - If music anyway forget it.
Make up? Costumes? - If a man's film, we are not Transen.
Camera movement? - Zoom I prefer, is easier.
Seriously: If this program is good, DV or HDV images to refine, then so forth, without ridicule. Perhaps it helps that more to the point cut, because the typical German electricity wasted in long rendering times seem shy. Perhaps the effect is synonymous that one or the other during the recording to ensure quality ( "bad shots"), not only because of efficiency.
How often you think of YouTube: Those were the longest 30 seconds of my life.
EDIT: The blurred background in the attachment is something that is, if not already during the recording (long focal open aperture), very good post synonymous manual-how: The foreground mask with a choice of presenting the background on a different level blurren. A soft mask for 30 seconds is more or less one hours handwork, unmoving in clear designs or shapes, as here, a few minutes. How long must then be rendered, depends much of that in any event well below an hour.
Never can be reached so that the same appearance as with real depth blur, but that is no preference. As mentioned in the Book "DV Rebel" will be shown, turns the whole hype is not reality, but a look. Most images can be a rough vignette as a mask and thus concentrate on the main motive to win.
And once again EDIT: The example image shows what? A Mexican corks? Karl Valentin big toe? If it applies, by sharpness levels out somewhat, it must be synonymous worth the trouble. The Picture is stupid, not saying unprägnant. Any dish with fruit vergammeltem would be better. Whether RFCT synonymous fruit flies sharpens differently? Or a sharp shift to the dead tenant in armchairs? This renders it provides 4 weeks!
Antwort von catchafire:

how is that please go for?
how can a program front and background differ?
no preference, if freeware is please
Antwort von BastianB:
4 hours for 30 seconds is quite a lot. And once again EDIT: The example image shows what? A Mexican corks? Karl Valentin big toe? If it applies, by sharpness levels out somewhat, it must be synonymous worth the trouble. The Picture is stupid, not saying unprägnant. Any dish with fruit vergammeltem would be better. Whether RFCT synonymous fruit flies sharpens differently? Or a sharp shift to the dead tenant in armchairs? This renders it provides 4 weeks! SORRY that I am no better motive was filmed!
ich mach mir ja synonymous already incorporated the effort to capture and upload.
Can like to try something like a fruit bowl to film. Did not only there. Humans would probably s.besten.
I can time a video in the middle durchsägen - left without, right with rfct filter
And it's image with the work not so good!
You searched wzar the background blurred, but you realize immediately that there are bottles. And the Real Feel Cinema Tool from does it perfectly!
Look at the hat of the doll. The rear part is synonymous somewhat blurred. the shoulders and almost merge with the background.
with which you can's image is not so good right. also takes the long-since I prefer to go during the hours leading into the cinema
Antwort von the machine:

Does anyone here seriously? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is the good!
Antwort von steveb:

na. and where isses because nu?
Antwort von Axel:
SORRY that I am no better motive was filmed!
ich mach mir ja synonymous already incorporated the effort to capture and upload. That was not a criticism s.dir. Was just about the relation of 30 seconds, 4 hours and a motif that is worth the trouble. You have to admit that the fruit bowl and the body (may be times when sowas gabs Fincher somewhere), though the matter probably ran under 10 seconds, dramaturgically would be so strong that for a long render times in Purchase namely.
Otherwise, I give you right.
Antwort von C.I.W:

Yes now is the time to upload or not? I will langsamm impatient.
Antwort von Viejo:
EDIT: The blurred background in the attachment is something that is, if not already during the recording (long focal open aperture), very good post synonymous manual-how: The foreground mask with a choice of presenting the background on a different level blurren. The simulated focus, but not depth. Depth of field you can have grayscale masks quite well with this tool to simulate:
This is synonymous to moving images, but requires "patience" or a quick calculator.
The next two pictures above are more
photos taken with different focal lengths (see different Width / Height of the background) and ISO (see poor white balance in the first Picture (Olympus?)) Were recorded.
Z-values can best software from different images and Paralaxen calculated (eg with Match Mover).
The film industry has been working out the way, both players have an environment synonymous with cameras and software to replace. What should I do with RFCT yet? :-)
Antwort von Viejo:
Yes now is the time to upload or not? I will langsamm impatient. Please Can anyone here as an attachment in the form of a zip archive to upload?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
The next two pictures above are more photos taken with different focal lengths ... and ISOs (see poor white balance in the first Picture (Olympus?)) Were recorded. For me, this looks more like the photos from any SonyCybershot: one with a comparatively short, the other times with very long exposure time (noise), and of course, synonymous different apertures. As evidence for the function - or only synonymous existence - of an imaginary or RCFT program called RFCT suck the recordings, however, not ...
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Axel:
The simulated focus, but not depth. Yes, I wrote the synonymous:
"Never reach so with the same appearance as real depth blur, but that is no preference." Depth of field you can have grayscale masks quite well with this tool to simulate:
This is synonymous to moving images, but requires "patience" or a quick calculator. Excellent Page. What I have noticed is that there are two reasons, depth to try to blur:
1. Highlighting the main motif, a dramatic reason. Subject as the statue in front of the troubled background:
zum Bild The slight blurring of the background draws attention to the statue, which is so
interesting. during
2. ... the blur synonymous as a contrast to the sharpness will be taken a purely aesthetic reason, like this:
zum Bild It is not about the average bottle, it is about sharpness submitted by parts of the image conscious and makes artificially blurred.
The first version is functionally and with other techniques of highlighting interchangeable (background dark / light, different color, to highlight the contours of persecution or a motion with the target person 'in Sight "). It's pretty no preference whether a vignette, a clever image-building, gradual depth or is something else.
The second version is "beautiful" to be, and must ensure the Picture a series of gradations in the sharpness have, or smooth transitions.
Now we should no longer talk to each other.
Antwort von Viejo:
Now we should no longer talk to each other. Do we have anyway. I did not want to correct you, but simply point out that it is a depth of field can simulate.
But stop with just the manual indication of Z-values, here in the form of gray. And that the thread starter is probably a Witzbolt ...
Antwort von C.I.W:

Thus it is now what with the upload? Or was the Tread only started to annoy others?
Antwort von St0mPy: vllt helps that?
Antwort von Viejo: vllt helps that? ?????????????????????????
2GB? 473 wiki ???????? SNS ?????!?
17 ??????????????????? ;-)))
Antwort von C.I.W:

That looks more likely after its Japanese partner from.
Antwort von Viejo:

Nifty is about smart, cute :-)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Or was the Tread only started to annoy others? If you look at the alleged before-after sample pictures closely, is really only the thought s.einen left late April Fool's joke.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

Madness! I have just the program via firewire on the camcorder of my "big" plays on. From his DCR-TRV345E is now an Ikegami Editcam become!
Antwort von BastianBB:

Here is the proof - no photo - but normal video! filmed from the hand, so you can not cheat.
the same recording. Links with the tool - Right WITHOUT
have taken this time settings so that it is not too long renders. about 2 hours render time for this 10 seconds.
because of April Fool's joke ...
and if one tells me where I upload the program, then do I do it synonymous with pleasure. but it is too big for email sending. ca 200 MB
Antwort von Axel:
Here is the proof - no photo - but normal video! filmed from the hand, so you can not cheat.
the same recording. Links with the tool - Right WITHOUT Yes, damn blurry. Simply awesome.
Antwort von Viejo:

Antwort von Viejo:

So if the software as a result achieved, then watch my video, I prefer glass modules.
Since I have a blur synonymous and should not continue forever to render. And the color still remain synonymous as they should be.
Antwort von BastianB:
Here is the proof - no photo - but normal video! filmed from the hand, so you can not cheat.
the same recording. Links with the tool - Right WITHOUT
Yes, damn blurry. Simply awesome. machs but better in YOUTUBE!
I war not out
here a screenshot
Antwort von BastianB:
So if the software as a result achieved, then watch my video, I prefer glass modules.
Since I have a blur synonymous and should not continue forever to render. And the color still remain synonymous as they should be. you can indeed leave the colors as you want
but I like the summer-look. are synonymous or something like matrix, that is blue / grünstichig
blurred and this is just because of youtube
on my TV set to see the 10 seconds and other tests extremely well
Antwort von AndyZZ:
BastiamBBB Has anyone here already downloaded?
Are only 69 MB instead of the promised 200 MB.
Antwort von norgold:
Has anyone here already downloaded?
Are only 69 MB instead of the promised 200 MB. Had perhaps only unpack?
Then install times beautifully and then please let us know if it works / how it works. One must of course be the first :-)
Antwort von Peer:

Hello! Where can I download it, please?
Antwort von Gast1234:

The demo video is in Youtube quality hammergeil but as the table and face s.Qualität wins! Is it synonymous pictures of people!?
Please post and someone has crack of the Program?
Antwort von gast0815:

So 10 seconds is actually already on youtube in better quality upload ... For me the result synonymous not so convincing. Since I'd rather stick with my 35mm adapter. But for users who are not vast sums into their equipment want to invest, could be interesting. Does any know myself.
Antwort von C.I.W:

So if the program is really 4 hours for video rendering 10sek, then it is always done for me. I prefer movies with his then 35mm adapter like about me and prefer to invest half an hour for ne ne scene, rather than as 4 hours to render ...
Antwort von norgold:

naja, 3D render synonymous lasts several hours
can you stop the thing run overnight
Antwort von C.I.W:

From what you talking about? If I create animations, then render each Picture 1 sec .. I know not at what you have. May well have a ENIAC!
Antwort von Jochen:

Your animations are synonymous is not very expensive, if the 1 second to render.
If I with Maya Picture an almost photorealistic render, it takes half a day sometimes NEN
Pixar films render synonymous "something" more than 1Sek per Picture. The animations are more complex and faster computer.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
The demo video is in Youtube quality hammergeil but as the table and face s.Qualität wins! Is it synonymous pictures of people!?
Please post and someone has crack of the Program? Blödi, which is freeware!
Had perhaps only unpack?
Then install times beautifully and then please let us know if it works / how it works. One must of course be the first :-)
I'll 'watch me as anything I download and install it.
Antwort von Andy Garcia:
I'll 'watch me as anything I download and install it. A wise attitude :-)
Antwort von Andy Garcia:

If it is freeware, is blödi you, then why are the red crosses in the image?
na machts, click?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... you blödi ... na machts, click? In this thread, nor totally different things does not make sense ... The only plausible explanation: There is this software and not the thread starter allowed a joke with the gullible. Anyone who really need this software could, I wish that I am wrong. Personally, I believe, however, no second miracle s.die existence of this software.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von C.I.W:

If the software really should be, then it is just shit. The long render times are not really worth it. Langsamm So I think that here someone a joke with us will allow. First, this Japanese dating site, and then a link that does not work. What gives? Can someone here a good link to post where the program (if it even exists) runterladen kannß
Antwort von PowerMac:

Man, you are all stupid! This is a troll.
Antwort von Andy Garcia:
Man, you are all stupid! This is a troll. All? Now I'm (almost) offended :-)
But cleverly raised. It calls s.alle who like to make better pictures and want to use the faith s.die boundlessness of the invention and spirit of the software.
I thought for a moment that you, BigMac, behind :-)
Antwort von BigMac:
Man, you are all stupid! This is a troll. Explain how you get the demo video on youtube?
Habs I now so often geguckt
this is not a normal color.
either someone has several hours after effects with an incredibly good mask is generated and then with the camera movement can be run. or there is the softwre really?
or two cameras, a good and bad together - does it work?
but it looks too perfect in this
I think there's the software, but only as a beta-demo
just like a software here at Slashcam presented in the photos and videos inserts thus produces quality EBSS
Antwort von Kollektor:

Hello! The video looks great
kaann where I buy?
Antwort von Kollektor:

The kaaaanst you do not buy, you need to tinker from filters themselves.
Antwort von

As I tinker from the filter?
I can make good color but not deep unschärfe
Antwort von PeterM:

I do not now whether a troll or not, at least, the link leads only to a Japanese online portal.
That something, in principle, under certain conditions can function could be demonstrated by the following approach.
We do so, among other things 3D movies. Sometimes 2 D
Customer material to 3D conversion. In principle an almost impossible task.
A common way we go to to get Tiefeninformatioen is the so-called isometric approach.
In principle it works on at a moving picture, the objects near s.Lens move faster than in the background. Because of this relative vectors can be then the film unterschiedlice depths (Paralaxen) assign. Nothing else would you do in this case. The combination of isometric and Blur approach would in my view the result.
The limitation is how many procedures, it is very individual depending on whether one usable results.
We can, for example about 25% without any problems and another 50% only with considerable manual effort to convert. The rest is not.
The question of the feasibility of this Filmlokks is like Radio Yerevan. In principle yes but ....
Antwort von harryr.feet:

Here again the link to DOF (no spelling mistake!).
There is usbeschrieben how to post in the depth of the manipulated.
Who wants to try it, all the necessary software is available as a trial:
You need to at least one image object in addition to the two-dimensional X / Y coordinates (Width / Height) synonymous Z values (depth). Z represents the physical distance from the lens to the object.
In the case of three-dimensional computer graphics, this is not a problem because, all three values for each image point. From whom can easily be a 3D Graumaske calculated (eg, 3dsmax, see synonymous FAQ / DOF tutorial for Pro). With the one can be of any depth display.
For two-dimensional images can be with the help of Pintrackern (eg Boris Continuum) or better Matchmovern (eg Realviz) from different images by measuring the change in the parallaxes Z-values calculated. That is, if the relative position of objects using multiple images changed. Match Moving requires a fast PC. And the calculation
of an image with DOF Pro then takes even a quick calculator to about 5-10 minutes.
If you do not have Z-values can simulate depth. For example, by isolating a picture object using the mask and image processing of the other part with a blur filter (typically a Gaussian, see example photos below).
Many editing and FX Programs include a variety of more or less "suitable" Masks and masking tools. Depending on the object image can mask eg by Pintracker s.das staple image object, the mask fits the fact of movement and perspective change of the object in moving images more or less. This is relatively easy and quick, but more suitable for simple geometric objects and less as people.
If you do not "ready" mask or the image object has not provided the necessary contrast contours is only with hand. The mask must then Picture Picture s.das object to be adapted, possibly multiple masks per synonymous Picture (5 min up to hours per Picture).
In the YouTube example, next up is probably a soft radial mask in the bottom of the picture on the Height of the ball. I assume, therefore, at times, the trash is handled in the version partly sharp and sometimes blurred, though the entire area the same distance from the lens has.
Because the ball is only the lower range is the whole thing but in the course of a few minutes and realistic with most Editing-/FX-Softwaren achieve. The same applies for the saturation.
As Alex has described, the depth is more of an artistic tool. You can with small lenses, as they Hobbycamcordern used to achieve and limited in the post with existing software for images with a lot of change / motion is relatively expensive and only about simulated.
I do not know any software which auto object calculate accurate depth and follow it. Software can still stop without human help only to a limited extent objects, eg faces, but not trash.
zum Bild zum Bild
Antwort von rilf:

but it looks extremely artificially made, with the statue
this is not a real deep unschärfe
Antwort von harryr.feet:
but it looks extremely artificially made, with the statue
this is not a real deep unschärfe Of course not. But in three minutes, I can not it be better.
"Genuine" is only with hardware. And somewhat "real" works only with intensive / extensive post with appropriate tools.
Antwort von BastianB:

Here you see mal ein test video with extremely good quality
cracked full version of beta-Real Feel Cinema Tool!
5 minutes settings and then just 20 minutes render time!
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Here you see mal ein test video with extremely good quality
cracked full version of beta-Real Feel Cinema Tool!
5 minutes settings and then just 20 minutes render time! Geht das schon wieder los?
Then make it out your cracked beta version, which supposedly is freeware, NEN somewhere on the server to download.
Maybe yes then mercy is one of the old-tried the tool and look at his fourth computer.
Antwort von harryr.feet:

geiles vid! Wie geht das denn?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Here it will be slower time again, this bad publicity and to prevent Trolling.
Antwort von BastianB:

Trolling Why?
Hast thou not seen the video?
Already have 4 people here of the tool skillfully. I do not stop where I can upload it.
The crack found in emule
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Well, then, is how big your tool? In MB?
Can you send email?
Antwort von BastianB:

ca 200 MB. all in one folder
is not by email: ((
Antwort von harryr.feet:
ca 200 MB. all in one folder
is not by email: (( And how you have it then sent four people?
You are therefore in a position to cut videos in Youtube upload 200MB per mail s.vier magic imaginary friends to send, but have no idea how to sort on an FTP server or something else for a webspace provider uploads?
Why do you do such a thing? Tell it out. Do you have any problems? Maybe we can help you somehow.
Antwort von BastianB:

I never said I did it via email sent!
POST. that there is still synonymous
Antwort von PowerMac:

Since I am missing the words. TROLL!
Antwort von freaky:
Since I am missing the words. That would be probably the first time
Let him / but the make. Do not always so serious beer.
@ Bastian
How has your program because the potted plant from the Picture-out parts and the fan inside it? And why squints your model in part of the Split Screen YouTubeclips?
Antwort von Thilo:

Madness, this video demonstrates the high performance of your cutting and assembly skills - In the place of respect
This video was well made, but without RFCT (which it does not exist),
good trick for something authentic again, in case you're a genius.
Antwort von Pempi:

the guest seems to have quite. in full-screen mode you can see that the type on the left image the head a little to the left next gedneigt than on the alleged "original footage"
so crass s.sich scho nummer ^ ^
Antwort von lukiffm:

Of course, the guest is right. He wears glasses :-)
The Bastian's and (e) the number of miners have (very cleverly) made with two cameras.
Next up is why there is such a "program" can not exist.
Antwort von lukiffm:

How to do it with two cameras?
When I glue together the picture still looks different from
Antwort von lukiffm:
How to do it with two cameras?
When I glue together the picture still looks different from Exactly. Therefore, yes mans recognize.
Antwort von DWUA:

Oh people ... who still does not know
Page scrolls to look all the way down:
Similar topics There are
special effects in revealing
on "RFCT" ...
At Verarschungstalent (less money,
probably from application need) there is not at BB;))
Is such a / Dagobert
in the sandbox format.
Who still s.solche "miracle" believe, neither can the
still be helped elsewhere.
Antwort von Effect-Junkie:

Looks to me more like After Effects, tracking and compositing from
Two cameras side by side, give a very different picture
Antwort von DWUA:

How about because with the trial version
Of "Easy Movie Colors"
Image-sharing to Comparison
before /
after ;)
Antwort von BastianB:

Effect junkie is right.
Much After Effects.
No Movie Looks - normal Color correction and good lighting!
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Effect junkie is right.
Much After Effects.
No Movie Looks - normal Color correction and good lighting! Then, this thread now, hopefully to an end.
Antwort von C.I.W:

Can the relevant times, please Tread moderator delete these? Some still have not noticed that they are verarscht.
Antwort von BastianB:

Otherwise all complain when the thousands of visitors after a movie look-button in its software searches.
Some will even offensive.
Now, the answer in a satirical manner and packed None yet satisfied. certainly not when the next to Hollywood-style movie with a camera asks 300 euro
Antwort von cesky:

What a funny thread! Will still be a ...
Antwort von Musiker:

Where can I buy? Please!
Antwort von Markus73:
Where can I buy? Please! On the magazine kiosk (where's video journals are synonymous) to get it mostly. It may still not officially sold, so it is currently only unofficially under the counter and they will initially say that it does not have to!
Just stay persistent and not let abwimmeln! Occupations you on the Forum here. Or you read the whole thread times ...
Antwort von Musiker:

OK Thanks! I do so!
How much is this program?
Antwort von Markus73:
OK Thanks! I do so!
How much is this program? Ok, you've noticed it does not synonymous and do not read the thread:
The program does not exist! Gruß,
Antwort von Musiker:

But why did you say it is?
I rather think you do not want all that have!
Antwort von cesky:

Oh yes, certainly. You must know that one of Mark's very fießen variety. First, it attaches to a promise and what he then claimed that it did not exist. Not listening to him.
I have the program now synonymous. I habs to our station kiosk purchased. The seller then has only synonymous claims that something is not there but then I gave it tells of the Tread and he did it voluntarily rausgerückt.
Antwort von Musiker:

Yes, I have already noticed!
And what is the magazine?
At the station, there are many newspapers!
Can I get a better copy? Please quickly
Antwort von Markus73:
But why did you say it is? Because you wanted it so!
I rather think you do not want all that have! If I could, I would like to share with others.
Antwort von Musiker:

Ok no problem! You're nice!
Can someone upload on the Internet or newspaper to say what to buy?
Thank you
Antwort von Real Feel Guest:

@ Musicians:
I have the main program s.Frankfurter at "International Press" bought. You have to buy a newspaper called the "Real Feel Magazine. On Page 43 of the July issue can be found in the red box the bank where the money must be transferred out. The send you a URL and then because you can then download.
Antwort von chrisi907:

Jo, gabs in Munich synonymous. At his newsstand s.der Bader Street.
Antwort von Axel:

Good news! Adobe has bought up the RFCT. It is with CS4
Suite Love in a bundle made accessible to all. The price is not fixed yet.
Antwort von Musiker:

Can anyone provide the URL? Please quickly otherwise it is illegal for Adobe ok?
Thank you
Antwort von Real Feel Guest:

Adobe has a press conference indicated that the Real Feel Cinema tool because of the extreme demand and the countless people who need the tool for their home videos into movies to be able, for the time being will remain free. However, this is an Adobe Tattoo sting can (you can from 7 different motifs aufwählen).
Detailed Real Feel Cinema Tool (which is then later as Cinema Effects distributed) and the tattoo can be found on the official Adobe website
Antwort von Musiker:

Sorry, but muck do you want me?
Antwort von Real Feel Guest:

You muck? How come you do it? You wanted to know where the herbekommt. Do Adobe is a licensed product away for free so? With the tattoos still requires at least decent advertising. Ask Axel just ... can you confirm ...
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Sorry, but muck do you want me? JAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Because you do not understand, this tool is that it never existed, does not exist and never will be !!!!!!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

[was somehow double ...]
Antwort von Real Feel Guest:
Sorry, but muck do you want me?
Because you do not understand, this tool is that it never existed, does not exist and never will be !!!!!! Yes. Thus, man's synonymous say:)
Antwort von Markus73:
Sorry, but muck do you want me? Somehow you have the self is already done, right? ;-)
Antwort von steveb:

let this thread filming the video competition and submit ...
I would have liked the role of the newspaper seller:
"Hey You "......." WER ICH ?".... pssssssst .... pssssst exactly ....... .....
"Do you want a super great video producer will be rich .... in nullkommanix with 29.90 Aiptek's pocket camera ... great cinematic feeling real color films can produce ..."?......" Who me?". ....." psssssssst ...... exactly "!....
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Let me guess, Stefan: You have to be synonymous around forty years old! Those were the days back then, with the old original American Sesame Street!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Why come all the posts of me twice?
Antwort von Basti.S:

Because you're drunk.
Antwort von steveb:
Let me guess, Stefan: You have to be synonymous around forty years old! Those were the days back then, with the old original American Sesame Street! caught ...!
.... but sometimes I feel today synonymous nor s.die Sasamstrasse remember when I have read some threads here ... but I still do not know what is true, because ...
who like what ... the .. das why why why, who is asking ...
... still stupid
... who here has not asked the forum search is used.
... who here gets asked a psychological therapy by powermac.
Antwort von zwiebel_sondermann:

Can someone tell me the program obs really there or what?
Thank you
Antwort von zwiebel_sondermann:

Just Read the whole thread through, then you should be the answer clear.