Frage von M.150:
S.euch Hello everyone!
I have my work (before PC) converted to Apple. I work in Final Cut me an AND with the effects of trying to work in Final Cut. Previously I worked at Sony Vegas 8th I often cut very short sequences and then put effects on it. In Vegas you could always without problems everything as recruits Effect in real time. In Final Cut, I must render for each setting, until I see the effect of recruitment may very awkward? What could be the reason. I use this AVI format.
I imagine it as follows:
I edit my Effect (viewer window / view in the viewer) can run the loop in the sequencer (timeline) and can track everything in the Canvas. Geht leider nicht. Only if the sequencer is not running, I can see ... what if he runs I will be asked to render ... but it is important to me ... the impact effect of my attitude during movie to see.
Thanks & Best Regards
Antwort von PowerMac:

Votes sequence and Clipeinstellungen agree?
RT What settings do you have? What effects do you use? Which Mac? What Final Cut Pro version? graphics card?
Antwort von M.150:

Yes ... so I'm a Final Cut Pro newcomer. RT what means this? And vs. sequence. Clipeinstellung?
Had I been so busy ... for open format settings .. but am not behind wirklch come.
I am using FC 6 Pro.
So s.Effekten I will gladly use the entire bandwidth. Since I am an "experimental" Cip create wants. And since it is extremely important to all of you recruits Effects synonymous to see, without beforehand of apple - r only the clip to render, then the effect on the clip in the timeline to draw in the viewer ... this window to edit.
Is not that one clip in the viewer moves, this is edited and everything in the canvas at the same time, provides ...? Without rendertime - Invitation?
Mir is no preference which effects are used. Yes I will (only) creative use of effects in real time .... this regard. That was always without problems in Vegas .... So real-time rendering process. The only limits to what was the hardware. Sure, I was synonymous s.das correct format before importing bound. But with Final Cut Pro, I somehow do not understand (sorry). If it can!
My data: Imac Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, 2 GB Ram
graphics card: ATI Radeon HD2600
My data for a clip example:
In Quicktime I bellicose this information:
Source: / Users/M150/Desktop/2007-12-30-18-59-37.avi
Format: WRAW ', 320 x 240, 16.7 million
FPS.: 25
Data size: 52.51 MB
Data rate: 46.08 Mbit / s
Current Position: 0:00:00:09.56
Duration: 0:00:00:09.56
Normal size: 320 x 240 pixels
Current Size: 320 x 240 pixels (original size)
Okay ... is a lot of stuff ... but really THANK YOU.
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von Spielkind:

RT see the top left of the timeline, s.besten to make unlimited
Antwort von Axel:

Your clip has an exotic format. I'm not a codec expert, but as a ready-made preset, there is not, what have you as a sequence setting? If you as a fully different set timeline've understood that Final Cut Pro this stuff already in real time to adapt. Nevertheless: In the case of very different codecs DV, HDV and ProRes makes Final Cut Pro 6, with the
open format Timeline No Zick. If the render bar above the timeline is already red when you are just a clip in the timeline draw is clearly the default false.
Your Calculator is s.der lower limit, but that usually does nothing, DV and HDV can be so much more with real-time editing, I did the same, with 4 GB of Ram, but in such a short Schnippseln hardly represent what should be. The real-time options, you will find on the timeline at the top left: "RT".
I know Vegas is not, but in Final Cut Pro is available for the viewer is an important distinction: He may, alternatively, footage from the browser (Media Index), or cut video from the timeline show. Effects on the latter have only one effect. The normal way to create a timeline in the clip viewer to load is not
right click> editor, but, alternatively, a double click on the sequence in the selected clip, choose Clip + Skip or drag & drop. The gray bar below the viewer is then .... dotted, to distinguish.
Antwort von M.150:

Yes .. Hello. Yes that is correct. I must make it on RT. Then I can at least consider my canvas. now must be with the effects still work, then I can finally get going ... and why it will beep if my clip is played ...., I notice already, Final Cut Pro is very different to Vegas 8: (.. ..
Antwort von Axel:
Yes .. Spielkind Hello! So, I have! ES! Yes're right. I must make it on RT. Then I can at least consider my canvas. Now, I'm already due to the effects ... and why it will beep if my clip is played .... yes, even merke Final Cut Pro is not a toy .... The beeping is harmless, it shows that the sound wants to be rendered.
Render> Audio only, and the thing is done in seconds.
Antwort von M.150:

Super Help! Thanks, it works with the audio settings with Render-only audio. My Clip (WMV) is synonymous with no problem solving play.
Antwort von Axel:
My Clip (WMV) is synonymous with no problem solving play. One lives, one learns. I always thought Final Cut Pro does not WMV. However, I've never tried synonymous.
Antwort von M.150:

Yes .... in Vegas I render it as WMV. And thus I am in the timeline have RT set to expire. Time something goes even more so.
Antwort von scubavideo1:

Hello Axel,
if you are in Final Cut Pro, a clip from the Bin double, he goes on in the viewer. The viewer in this case serves
only to Raussuchen the Rohclips and to put in - and Outpunkte. If you've set, you pull the clip from the Viewer into the timeline. Each sequence has its own timeline, so you can be in your case per clip to create a separate sequence.
Double-clicking on a clip in the timeline opens it synonymous in the viewer (!!). Now you can filter out all but set (simply from the Effects list on the clip in the timeline, drag), or Clipparameter change (position, scaling, distortion, opacity, etc.).
Important for the understanding of Final Cut Pro is that a clip in the timeline, not the real video footage, but only a reference point. If you have another point from the raw material for another clip want to use, you Rohclip in the bin and double click again to move the timeline. Thus you have a new instance is created.
.... s.Anfang is quite confusing (at least so I went).
Changes s.einem clip in the timeline in the viewer
and the canvas is displayed.
Almost all Standardeffetkte of Final Cut Pro RT (real time)-capable. However, this may depend on the used codec from.
Your material has a very unfavorable to the Mac format. Avi is in Final Cut Pro at the intersection is not lost!
If it somehow does, you should see the same Rohfiles HQ in ProRes422 log format. This is a flexible, low compression (which dramatically improves real-time capability) and has low generation losses (which takes less compression artifacts if you get with many filters and parameter changes are working)
strongly recommend you create your project in sequences to create ProRes 422 HQ. You can use the existing avi files from the bin still in the timeline drag. Final Cut Pro renders then Timelineauf once ProRes422 completely in order. The RT-capable Effects then run without further rendering in real time.
If you're looking for a Christmas gift: more RAM!
Latest when you first angeworfen Motion, you will 4 or 6 GB of RAM to appreciate.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Or the clip before converting, so before cutting. Some in DV or ProRes 422nd
Antwort von M.150:

ahh ... I think now I have the geschnallt .... to use real time effects dollte so I use the DV format ... right? Can I convert into Final Cut Pro ... actually, or not.
Antwort von scubavideo1:

Your videos are 320 x 240 pixels. The DV codec works only with 640 x 480 (NTSC) or 720 x 576 pixels.
That was why I had proposed ProRes422.
Antwort von M.150:

Yes, hello!
So I still can not use any effects. I'm almost s.HEULEN !!!!!!
it is not .... I'm doing it manual .... synonymous tutorials on the Internet.
All proceed as follows:
1. Clip in the viewer download.
2. In the timeline set.
3. Effect from the browser in the clip set
4. Double-click in the clip in.
5. The viewer, edit
So EXTREMELY awkward hätt ... I know ... what am I doing wrong ... there are preset effects?
Antwort von Axel:
1. Clip in the viewer download.
2. In the timeline set.
3. Effect from the browser in the clip set
4. Double-click in the clip in.
5. The viewer, edit 1. and 2 hot yes Adam and Eva, and three and four I do vice versa.
Two comments on your problem:
1. You begin the incorporation in a foreign program with an inappropriate codec. That is, when you put on a horse park. How does this image come from? Originates from a mobile phone? Do what you suggested, convert the WMV to what edible (iss what do is collect what is rare, tell what is true).
2. Your Question:
So EXTREMELY awkward hätt ... I know ... what am I doing wrong ... there are preset effects? - Is like driving s.den question: "Can we steer this vehicle?"
%Ï You will be more clear, if you have the whole box effects can be in peace times, and just learn all the
editing commands, s.besten as keyboard commands.
%Ï Then, learning and memory in what you are in the "Move" tab of the viewer, the wire model and all the keyframes with the Picture can employ.
%Ï Next, I would like to have the composite modes (Finder Bar> Modify) and make all the oysters. For a combination of two or more images, for integration of fonts or graphics, for transitions.
%Ï Also under> Modify:
Speed. You were by then not even in the Effects tab, and can really most of the things you need. You will then, if you are the transitions from the
transitions in
video Effects durchtestest, they probably never use again. For you it is now clear that all these effects, although edited, preferences
are the of it with the hand and eye in accordance with the timeline settings never can. I myself use color and gamma correction, and Smooth-Cam, and nothing else, because ...
... There is still synonymous Motion. Your graphics card, you will then motion and when to say, is too weak on the chest, but it is all good do what you ask if it is not too long. Motion is the program for the effects, they are always fully editable, and there is a lot more of it.
Antwort von M.150:

Hi Axel!
Thanks for the detailed answer. So, I do not want to be misunderstood, but I will not synonymous unstop thread ... by the motto:
"Good program, bad program" ... I just want my way of working
(not a classic cut of video material) to develop ... and it requires a program with very good effect qualities. Check with the order. Okay ... with Motion, Soundtrack and Compressor I will later employ.
Achso .. A = Arrow, B = Blade, BB = Video + Audio Blade .......:)