Frage von Axel:
You know this for sure: you have spent their evenings at the cut, the DVD is finished. You take it with the customer / a friend and submit them to the player. The player reads them, because he is
s.nicht ago
b) gets time to time of a cleaning DVD
So everything is fine. By exposing - in half an hour, so four or five times - the picture is distorted short (with blocks), or the sound. The other's does not bother me fall out of the teeth. Then again, I go to the authorities. Some can now be run by clean, others make the mistake again. It has been shown, the blank DVD partly to blame. A data rate of over 8 Mbps also provoked more frequent dropouts. I would like to know if there are other factors that I can handle it to avoid, and the extent of your knowledge, they are relevant.
Here is the list with the request to completion.
a - burner failure
b - incompatible disc
c - bad (or 1-pass CBR) Encoding
d - for high data rate
e - at low data rate
My impression is that there are no more players who did
not read my DVDs (probably) better blanks, but more and more that produce these disorders. Synonymous Can be a hardware problem?
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Axel,
with a constant rate, I had no problems so far, but I use only then the CBR Compression, if I) with 7 or 8 Mbit / s encode (see synonymous
this remark. To the sound in Dolby Digital and the total data rate is usually too high for critical player not synonymous.
Furthermore, I always encode 1-pass, for my Matrox RT.X100 (hardware encoder) does nothing else. However, the MPEG-2 quality is very good (see synonymous
here). Not to be ignored is synonymous with the aspect of the (customer's) hardware. So you can still make a great DVD and video to keep you s.alle standards and experience, but if the DVD player (not more) is so great, then the Picture-/Tonträger still does not work particularly well.
Too fast changing of the DVD market, there are always new burners and blanks in the trade, but the players still remain in use for some years. No wonder, then, if a "not old" players (let's say 2 years old), the latest DVD media creation (not true-he) knows, and it comes from incorrect calibration of a poor selection strategy, in turn, picture-and Tonfehler in its wake.
Unfortunately we have as a Manufacturer of burned DVD-Video does not affect the players and people will probably have to live with it every now and is one that, despite all our Picture-/Tonträger may not care or play incorrectly.
Here's a detailed explanation about this:
Panasonic DVD Player Playback Problem
Antwort von VolkerS:

If the problem only after a certain time (must occur not always the same time be), it may possibly be synonymous s.aufgeklebten labels because that extend through the heat in the player, unlike the blank and then get over this, leading to read errors may result. Has been discussed here some time ago synonymous at some length.
Antwort von Axel:

Thanks, Mark
the history of the operationally DVD (True, the second pass is always running smoothly) schonmal least the possibility of a trick: The people erstmal nice menu with animated graphics enchanted with the smallest data rate (the "YES" word with the flying rings -- Shaking!) before it goes to the main part.
The reference to an obsolete player is a little embarrassing to me. Always reminds me s.Auto-and bicycle workshop.
His' Se glad when creating the über'n's still summer. Another alternative: New Players (cyber & Co) included in the price (then the customer chooses not hopefully) green.
@ Volker, theme Labels: I had never had a problem with Aufklebelabels, I use anyway in a year the little nicer
photo printable blanks.
Antwort von steveb:

Although not now help to solve ... but is always synonymous a good explanation.
I can still clearly remember that my first Yamakawa DVD player got a few updates, so always synonymous current movie DVD's in it ran. But that was not only in this case, the player synonymous .... today I hear more often from the fact that even current "press-DVD's" not always smooth (some not) run. I appreciate everyone who has a player that knows what I mean. I think that synonymous many "clients" know this ....
Antwort von Markus:
... is the story of the operationally DVD [...] schonmal least the possibility of a trick: The people erstmal nice menu with animated graphics enchanted with the smallest data rate ... I doubt that this trick works. The calibration of the DVD mW takes place only after closing the drawer in the DVD player, but between the various menus / tracks anymore.
Anyway, I was the top (or play in the link) above DVDs only accurate if I just opened the drawer s.DVD Players and immediately closed again. A simple stop / play is not meant that the DVD was better.