Frage von Uwe:
I would now like aufsprechen synonymous for the first time to comment on a video once the question of whether someone can recommend me a reasonably good + inexpensive microphone. As it should be equally suitable for possibly synonymous Internet Telephony => with Headphones
Antwort von chrisgau:

Hi Uwe,
had my camera on a Panasonic NV-GS (15) also find a sensible Micro and am now after some research with a Beyerdynamic MCE 72 CAM stuck. Condenser microphone, battery powered, Stereo, kidney (140 °) with flexible mounting head against noise and Adapters for 3.5mm. A review is not yet possible because just now purchased. Price: EUR 229 -. Is not exactly "cheap".
Antwort von GhostDog:
I would now like aufsprechen synonymous for the first time to comment on a video once the question of whether someone can recommend me a reasonably good + inexpensive microphone. As it should be equally suitable for possibly synonymous Internet Telephony => with Headphones I can tell you recommend the AKG D660S. New price: 60 ¬. It is a dynamic microphone, and only direct sound sensitive. The frequency range is optimized for human voices. It only takes up your voice when you are talking about 10-20 cm in front of, or sing, the body is solid and confers no handling noise. Actually it is a better karaoke Microsystems, perfect for your purposes. Because it can absorb any reflections from the environment (and incidentally not synonymous noises like computer fans, etc.), it is as if you would include in an anechoic chamber.
The karaoke microphones of Conrad and Co for 4.95 ¬ are ... (clear, right?)
Antwort von Uwe:

First of all, Thanks for your responses. The AKG D660S of price + quality already seems to go in my direction ...
But again demanded: Gib's not synonymous to similar quality sowas as "headset", ie with Headphones? In the network's give as synonymous, a number of models, but whether it is the fit?
And then some have a USB port. Would it be possible to synonymous incorporated into Adobe Premiere Pro? Or does APP mandatory recording of sound card?
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Uwe.
For you need not live AKG headphones, as a feedback mechanism is possible because of the low sensitivity only at very high sound pressure. But it is of course an XLR connector, so the sound card would be necessary, but how would it hereby: audio-2000.html
If there really is a headset with USB 2.0 - port, your operating system would need to know that this is the audio input is to be installed (Drivers or "Plug and Play"). Probably the then enough synonymous for Premiere, but to forbid he prefers the bill, if you need to give it back.
Antwort von Axel:

If you hammer for the Behringer, the 260 is too much, I myself have this here
auctioned on ebay for just under 100 ¬, the retail price is 129 ¬. However, I am rather envious. Not on the mixing console functions, which I do with software, but who knows if they wanted to make not even 5.1?
Antwort von Uwe:

Hi Axel,
sounds very good, but for my purposes, perhaps a little too ville ...'+ a Micro Phone Yes, I'd still does not.
No, I'd need a reasonably good microphone (that good noise shielding), but have the desire to get this as a headset to ...
Perhaps so in style like this:
The question is stop, whether it is used in these parts no more value to the listening experience than on the Micro ...
But maybe someone else has the tip, where both are good ...
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Uwe,
synonymous with the Sennheiser sound card you probably need `ne, yes, I know not what else you have for connections, but" in line "of laptops is not enough. If you primarily Internet telephony envisages, it is with sowas certainly convenient, but remember that is better suited for another clever mix Headphones. Good headphones you get on ebay for very little money, since they may be quiet older. Criteria (: As no linear frequency "bass booster" or DJ Headphones), comfortable bar and shellfish, circumaural design (shells enclose the ear), semi-open. It may be synonymous quiet HiFi Headphones. Sennheiser, Beyer and AKG are of course very good. Good sound you need to spend a fortune, but neither mic nor in headphones there are all-in-one solutions.
Antwort von Uwe:
Good sound you need to spend a fortune, but neither mic nor in headphones there are all-in-one solutions. Hi Axel,
You Completely restructured law. Just because I had not until now really so busy, I got the idea to combine the two ...
Have now ordered the AKG here: flNlc3Npb249UDkwX0RFX1NJUzpDX0FHQVRFMDU6MDAwMC4wMTIzLjM3OGI5ZmU3Jn5odHRwX2NvbnRlbnRfY2hhcnNldD1pc28tODg1OS0xJn5TdGF0ZT0xODQ0MDI4Njk ~ =? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = & product_show_id = 300,665 & p_init_ipc = X & p_page_to_display = fromoutside & ~ cookies = & cookie_n [1] = b2c_insert & cookie_v [1] = 6T & cookie_d [1] = & cookie_p [1] =% 2f & cookie_ [1] = Tue% 2c +13- Sep-2005 +05% 3A29% 3A53 + GMT & cookie_n [2] = b2c_hk_cookie & cookie_v [2] = CXT & cookie_d [2] = & cookie_p [ 2] =% 2f & cookie_ [2] = Sat% 2c +13- Sep-2005 +05% 3A29% 3A53 + GMT
The price is really good ...
Now I need only (a suitable cable and which I still have less knowledge ).... This mechanism also in the sound card? I got the front nor a plug s.Calculator possibility with Microphone symbol => is not going well for APP?
Sound card => 3.5 jack, right?
Antwort von Axel:

Now I need only (a suitable cable and which I still have less knowledge ).... This mechanism also in the sound card? I got the front nor a plug s.Calculator possibility with Microphone symbol => is not going well for APP?
Sound card => 3.5 jack, right? [/ Quote]
Test the connection with the microphone icon before you buy a sound card should work (sound input state in the system!). You need for the AKG XLR female jack and an adapter to large to small jack for your input (if it works). Signal losses due to the adapter are regulated in this direction (of the open-loop) is not to be feared.
Antwort von Uwe:

Thanks Axel.
Antwort von Uwe:

The Micro is s.Samstag still eingetrudelt. I'm still the best fast times + adapter purchased.
Unfortunately, the Micro, totally unsuitable for my first tests, for video editing. It sounds dull + must be precise to speak of close earlier in the Micro to get even a reasonably good sound. Any deviation, it was synonymous only 0.5-1 cm, of this position results in a reduced capacity + quieter sound quality. So if you have to read text + his head is moved only slightly, the recording, anyway ...
Now I'm not synonymous, the experienced "audio freak," but now I've already tried a lot (greater Driven ... etc) but no improvement. Above all, synonymous of sound I'm disappointed. It always sounds so s.als whether they occur in a large hall as a moderator, but a clean sound for a video comment, I do not get it out ...
If someone has another idea about this, please report ...
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Uwe,
I'm sorry that you're disappointed. I hate knowing better, but to me it sounds as though your "audio to" just nothing but a "line in", and that you need a sound card. I have quite a few directional microphones and much more expensive always had the typical surround sound with noise and fighting. That's why I bought this Micro and myself - in demanding Tonding - very satisfied.
Antwort von Uwe:

Hi Axel,
I did it so the sound card (Realtec AC 97). Of course you are right to make any noise to be suppressed .. You hear nothing but the spoken word ... But, as I have already said, we can not move his head a minimum otherwise you must hold a hearing to strong variations can hardly be ... In addition, it sounds to my mind has always s.als I was actually a "karaoke artist" in a hall ...
Antwort von Axel:

Hello Uwe.
Hall? Where the Hall should I come? But what troubles me is that you speak of "dull" sound. Even if one's own voice always sounds a little strange without the resonances in his own head, it is clear that may not sound muffled the sound. Possibly, the membrane is broken. Before you throw it into the corner and curse me, but ask someone else to speak into the Micro's (of the front), however, and only in the described distance. Then compare the live-voice with the newly made recording. For me this is a completely natural reproduction, but very "dry" (if you do with "dull" mean), because without acoustics. Yes you this may sound too sterile, too lifeless. Then, a condenser microphone would be an appropriately subdued space is better for you. Sorry, in the case of the wrong tip. I cut out even if I get air in between.
Antwort von Uwe:

Hi Axel,
Why should I curse you. It is synonymous for me a learning curve in terms of audio (even just to start).
But since I really only need to comment on videos, etc. I am now become usklar that it is not a microphone for this is very comfortable.
Because of its good test results I have now ordered me this headset:
The advantage of listed historical monument on the hand => you are free to move with the head + body, can therefore be better to read manuscripts, has constant volume, ambient noise should be kept as per synonymous test well away (better than the Sennheiser PC 150) ...
've Got it at amazon for ¬ 36, - appointed (innerh without costs. 24 hours). Get reports.
Since I had ordered the microphone with Conrad (here in HH accessories directly from Conrad) the conversion will go fast + fast ...
To the sound of the AKG reminds me of nothing else than just this dimly + "look" of a moderator in the Festhalle ...
I have to Comparison asbach ancient times connected a headset for 9.95 DM. Even when the voice comes over cleaner. It may be that AKG is broken, but as I said, drankleben the impractical "in a very narrowly circumscribed radius => of close => almost" eating up the microphone, "I find extremely impractical for video comments which one reads so often + auto time moving his head a little ...
Antwort von Janimaku:

Moin Moin
at least, the Hall is probably the Realtec AC97 chipset. This is, in my opinion more than modest. A sound card for recording is well worth its ¬ 50 +. I even have to make tolerable experience. Personally, I like the external sound cards as the preferred used everywhere and are not synonymous as soon mass occur problems (problems with noise).
PS this is primarily a response to this threat because Googlers anyway is somewhat older
Antwort von Markus:
Have now ordered the AKG here: flNlc3Npb249UDkwX0RFX1NJUzpDX0FHQVRFMDU6MDAwMC4wMTIzLjM3OGI5ZmU3Jn5odHRwX2NvbnRlbnRfY2hhcnNldD1pc28tODg1OS0xJn5TdGF0ZT0xODQ0MDI4Njk ~ =? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = & product_show_id = 300,665 & p_init_ipc = X & p_page_to_display = fromoutside & ~ cookies = & cookie_n [1] = b2c_insert & cookie_v [1] = 6T & cookie_d [1] = & cookie_p [1] =% 2f & cookie_ [1] = Tue% 2c +13- Sep-2005 +05% 3A29% 3A53 + GMT & cookie_n [2] = b2c_hk_cookie & cookie_v [2] = CXT & cookie_d [2] = & cookie_p [ 2] =% 2f & cookie_ [2] = Sat% 2c +13- Sep-2005 +05% 3A29% 3A53 + GMT Such links are not only annoying for the layout you (must be scrolling forever to Page to) see the contributions that they work beyond synonymous, because usually the session has expired. Better to postet in such a case, only the model name. Google should now everyone can serve.
Antwort von Gustav:

Would be synonymous recommended the Sennheiser PC130. Either has a built-in sound chip that is independent of the sound card: