Frage von CUPSI:
removed if from the hard drive stored video films with the internal editing system are the ads or films into individual sequences are divided and the disk is getting low (> 450 films or <10 h residual capacity) it comes to recording errors on the disk.
The show later so that remains standing while playing as the film suddenly jumps a Stillimage and next after a few seconds, or that a sequence of a completely different movie will be played before the original film will be shown next.
Also, it is already happened to me that a title has been assigned to a completely different film.
Then, when the bad movie cleared the error occurs repeatedly in newly recorded shooting.
Workaround There is only by reformatting the hard drive.
The cause is brought about by the film cuts and deletions, fragmentation of the plate, ie, the plate is divided into increasingly smaller areas that can be re-recorded, so that a film distributed in the recording of the entire disk, because the free areas not Genung are great to bring the whole movie as.
When recording, the software must then look to long after the next free area.
When the PC is not so bad, because then it just 'slower' works.
In a video recording in real time but this is fatal, because the film sequence is not cached so long until it finds an empty spot.
This error would be by installing a defragmentation option iin the user menu to prevent the with a firmware update the recorder would be connected.
Unfortunately that will probably fail for reasons of cost.
Instead, you take the anger of the customers of x hours of film recorded by reformatting the hard drive loses in Purchase.
Is there a way the hard drive of a DVD / HDD recorder to defragment? If you, the Forum, announced a firmware update or a different procedure that allows a Defragnmentierung?
Antwort von Alf_300:

If esw to be sure, you could reformat auslsagern on USB Festplsatte, and recall the image.