Frage von hkrull:Hi,
I have once of me in CS3 so beloved Multicam Editing in Premiere CS4 tried and frightening experience.
Premiere CS3
once it was after the man dubbed the clip with multiple video tracks in a second sequence over Multicamschnitt and the multi-camera editing was enabled, render, and then were up to 4 tracks in multi-camera playback window and cut. After the cut had its rough cut MultiCam clip in the timeline, subject to further post.
With CS4, however, are the clips from the original second and all other clips with a red render bar and which need to be re-rendered, although it is still native material and no effects have been added. That is, when CS4, almost the whole MultiCam average (up to Clip1) again be rendered, if it is a Multicam editing of up to four streams act Cam - once after activating and then up to three extra clips after the multi-camera editing. I enclose a screenshot of how the timeline looks after Multicamschnitt.
So far have only a reference to this bug found on the web. Under this Prolematik synonymous addressed. Is there someone with this experience? The update Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 to v.4.0.1 has brought no change. Oh yes, still short of info - I have used Premiere CS4 for Mac with HDV material!
Gruss hkrull
Antwort von frm:
I voted for the first time a multi-camera editing done. Rendering, he had not really for me. I have 4 tracks HDV yet, in a Pal Projeklt and I have different reingezoomt and changed positions so that it acts as assorted cameras. It is a 2.5 hour Tehaterstück. I was actually very zufreiden with the performance. I have Vista 64bit and Intel Quad 6600 / 4 Gb RAM.
Antwort von Jörg:
the facts are correct, we should in principle be shown 2 times. I do not, the 4 tracks running in HDV, despite redline, completely smooth and without problems in Multicammonitor. is then rendered in completion of the work.
Whether, however, several timelines still true ....?
Antwort von frm:
for me is 2.5 hours and HDV was it worked