Frage von jowaung1:
In crashes with me again the "Magix Video de Luxe 2005 'from. I get as error:
Error in module "videodeLuxe.exe" s.Adresse 0x00429f0e Exception 0x0000005 "ACCESS VIOLATION". What is the cause and now how can I avoid this happen?
Thanks in advance s.die professionals!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Do you have a calculator with dual core?
/ E
Antwort von Apache:

Yes, of Aldi Medion 8800 (purchased late 2005)
DualCore Intel Pentium D830, 3000 MHz
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Try it out off the dual, perhaps bringts what.
/ E
Antwort von Apache:
Try it out off the dual, perhaps bringts what.
/ E and how do I?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Look in the BIOS after.
/ E
Antwort von PowerMac:

Great Compromise: I have an old shitty editing software and a reasonably fast PC. Because this combination is not in harmony, I do my system half as fast. And I under Windows or with the Scheiss-editing program anyway of the increased performance would benefit. Tolle Wurst; /
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Eas halt is unfortunately so that programs on processors tailored, bez. the programming languages.
A bug in Windows this is synonymous known.
Apart from this it may be synonymous a driver problem. (mostly graphics card)
What is striking is that there is only access violation dise primarily for dual-core exists.
/ E