Frage von Movie-Peter:Hi,
it in the past is no reasonable alternatives to the original Canon BP-Battery gave, I have already read them.
Do you have all the original Canon for nearly 100 euro bought?
The Charger with about 80, plus shipping is the Hit ;-(
When I was at least a DSLR with Charger!
Antwort von seTTi:
why must it be the original? only because of the maturity indicator?
I've increased my here and am completely satisfied (; charger is included), he just keeps 4h.
only small drawback is that it wobbles slightly and then the cam out. nem tesafilm streak with no problem and it saves a lot of money.
Antwort von deti:
only small drawback is that it wobbles slightly and then the cam out. nem tesafilm streak with no problem and it saves a lot of money. Just the small plates s.den contacts press something together. In this example, a knife tip, etc. use. In our supplier nix wobbles and the cameras are even on mountain bikes and snowboarding at steadily.
Antwort von Movie-Peter:
Are there any other shops with alternative models for the original BP-819?
Someone uses this pack?
Unfortunately, Ansmann and Hähnel not compatible models :-(
Antwort von deti:
Too expensive - take that:
"BP-827 Compatible Battery BP-827 Compatible ¬ 29.99"
Lasts approximately 4 hours and is completely reliable - we have 12 pieces of it.
Antwort von alvaro:
Have at digitaltoyshop BP-827 compatible Battery ordered.
After 2 days, the postman on the doorstep ...
Antwort von Movie-Peter:
Thank you for your statement.
Wow, that there is an alternative.
I will try the shop times.
Gruß Peter
PS: The BP-827 will be delivered without Charger, right?
Antwort von deti:
No, the BP827 comes with charger: "Supplied with the charger specially designed for this battery. This charger must not be used with batteries from other brands."
Antwort von Movie-Peter:
Do you have goods for delivery by UPS or paid in advance by Credit Card?
From the 4 items shipping the consignment is free, right?
Be the first BP-819 Charger inc test ;-)
Antwort von deti:
So I would advise against the BP819. Take the "BP-827 Compatible Battery" for ¬ 29.99 - we have a 2 and then 10 per pay in advance - the product is duly arrived.
Antwort von Movie-Peter:
Hi deti,
I have the BP-827 Battery for 29,99 euro ordered synonymous when in my manual for the
HF100 just BP-809/BP-819 noted. I hope it works!
Danke Gruß Peter
Antwort von deti:
Calm yourself, everything is good - let the weekend come.
Antwort von Movie-Peter:
... is actually the original Canon Battery BP-827 is also suitable for the HF100?
I have found no information so far?
Use this External Battery Du's synonymous s.einer HF100?
Antwort von deti:
Yes, we use Femdakkus for HG20 and HF100. We use 90% of the BP827-model, which makes it the DigitalToyShop there. Do not worry because of the name, it works quite determined.
Antwort von Movie-Peter:
my two BP-827 from the Digitaltoyshop arrived.
The product was shipped with UPS and it has everything works wonderfully! Very fast delivery and good packaging.
The charging process was completed after 150min and the battery fits quite well. Minimum game ... Camera does not!
Until now a very good tip of you and an excellent alternative to the original preisintensiveren BP-829.
Danke Gruß Peter
Antwort von deti:
Well then have fun with it!
Antwort von seTTi:
Deti @
wert thou so nice for me to illustrate exactly how I should edit the pins so that the cam is no longer enough?
you would be much obliged:)
Antwort von deti:
In the Camera or s.Ladegerät are the contacts as small plates standing upright executed. At the Battery, the contacts between two sheets pinched. To contact problems is when the clamping effect is too low. So I would gently with a pin behind the bottom front of each of two plates s.Battery a slight pressure. The objective is the distance between the left and right plate s.Battery to minimize, but not to 0 to (; because then the contact plate of the camera and the charger no longer would fit in between ;-).
Antwort von baddimi:
why must it be the original? only because of the maturity indicator?
@ Owner of the HF100.
If you have no chance to see how the battery is when they are here called alternative uses batteries? Or there is a display, s.der I can see that my battery is empty soon?
Antwort von hulky:
So here Canon HF10, HF100, HF11 HD-HG20-HG21-BP-827-BP827_W0QQitemZ270386350244QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDE_Elektronik_Computer_Foto_Camcorder_Stromversorgung_PM? item3ef44848a4 hash = & _trksid = p4634.c0.m14.l1262 & _trkparms =% 7C301% 3A1% 7C293% 3A1% 7C294% 3A30 gibts the BP-827 supposedly with an LED time remaining display .....